naughty girl


Full Member
iv been naughty beyond belief and now i feel awful !

Is there anything i can do to revers this ?

Iv just eaten a lindt gold bunny !

Tonight i have got zumba and im also doing my housework i htink thats a bit of excercise !

I feel utter pants now after doing so well !!!!

Please can anyone help me give me ideas to reverse this !

Iv just had an extra pint of water !!
draw a line under it hun its done. its only one bunny. carry on as normal. i can't see it making a heap of difference
Yeah if you just put it as a little blip but conitnue they way you have been - you will have to get back in to ketosis though sweetie.

BTW - we have started around the same weight - we should buddy up :)
Yeah just draw a line under it and carry on as normal I had a blip last week and got straight bk on the plan and I lost 5lb this week don't beat yourself up over it it's done now forget about it! X
dont go mad eating now just because you have had a blip draw a line under it and drink to try and flush out you will be grand