Naughty Treats


Yes, Yes, I know Im not supposed to but I was wondering if there are any treats you can have on SS+

Ive been reading:

Mini Light Babybel
Chinese 5 spice
Quorn Mince
you probably already know this but is a very slippery slope. I've been on a vlcd since November last year. After a few months I started to have low carb treats I thought I could get away with. They didn't so any harm physically and I stayed in ketosis but I started to do it more often and eventually the diet got harder and my motivation dropped and dropped. I'm not sure why it happened but as a result I've put myself back around four months. I wish I had never started snacking! I'm back on the diet properly now with no nibbling and I feel so much better for it. If you can help it don't do it x
I think looking for ways of cutting corners is really the wrong way to approach a diet like this.

My other half lost 9 and a 1/2 stone on lighter life, during her time on and now year and a half since she finished a lot of the people she was on the diet with have gained it back, or ended up going back and starting over. These people were generally those that treated the diet as an inconvience and looked to cheat at every chance given.

If you want to make a real long term life difference then the best way to embrace the diet and change your mental attitude about the food you "need". My CDC said to me yesterday about the bars "oh its nice to put them in the fridge and cut them up and have them as little snacks through the night" and I couldn't help but respond that while its a great idea its not really changing your HABITS and to be truly successful at this diet (ie keep the weight off) not only do you need to lose the weight but changing your habits and mental attitude towards food is critical.

Some research done recently suggests that anyone who goes on a diet and loses a significant amount of weight will always have to eat "less" after finishing the diet so mentally preparing yourself for this and the ability to maintain would be the best idea imo