Naz Curry Kits


Full Member
Apologies if everyone already knows about this!

If you Google 'Naz Curry Kits' you will come across a website which shows syn-free restaurant-style indian cooking. The specific spice blends used are sold on the website (£2.99 each) or you can search the website for your local stockists.

For anyone who, like me, loves an indian takeaway - this is amazing!

Ooh that got me taste buds going but....he doesn't deliver to Cyprus.....arghhhh! :cry:

Will have to get some to post them over or store them and bring them out but....long time to wait for me hoo!

Thanx anyway pickle, it was a kind thought.
Yes I've seen them but wouldn't because it just as easy and a heck of a lot cheaper just to mix your own or use supermarket curry powder. it's not anything new.
You could get a great big bag of whatever individual spice for less than a quid each and mix your own. Enough to last you years for a fiver :rolleyes: