Need Advice!

Hey im new to this CD and started on the ss yesterday. I know some one who is alos doin the same but is 4 weeks into it and they told me they never got hunger pains at all. So i thort id give it a go and so far ive had nothing but hunger pains. I know i can stick at it so im not on the verge of quitting but can n e 1 with this experience tell me if it normal and will it get n e easier??
Hey trottermad,
Just wanted to put your mind at rest the first few days are the toughest but you then go into ketosis and you do not have any hunger pains!!! Stick with it as its a fab diet and you see the results really quickly..
good luck on your cd journey x
I have days when I am hungry and days when I am not. Today I am so hungry........ I dont kno what to do either x

The first 3 days were horrible for me and day 1 i was crying in the evening as i was sooooo hungry.

I am now in week 8 and occasionally have the odd day when i am hungry but i still think it is more boredom and habit eating then real hunger.

It def does get better thats for sure and the only time i feel i might wobble is totm and then the days i am hungry i just have 4 "meals /shakes" a day to get me thro so i dont "cheat". It better to have a extra cd product a day then anything else if you do struggle.