need more boundaries


adores posting
Well I think I need to fish out my old pack I've been doing the new pps for 5 days and have enjoyed it but have gone over my dailies and weeklies already how bads that. So hello everyone the restrictions and no extras should fix it. No 49 temptations.
I cant use PP for the same reason. Its like the 49's a trigger in my brain that tells me to stuff crap but always over the amount im 'allowed'. Need the discipline of old points to keep me on the straight and narrow.
Hi, im the same! i think the 49 weekly points will cover everything!! when in fact its really not that much, then i only have the daily points to use which at 26 is rubbish! then the 'free' fruit! well it was counted before but not now? at least with the old plan if i went over i then have to earn them back by cutting down the next day or so, i got to goal on the old plan, im the heaviest iv ever been now:(
Exactly! Hit it on the head chipbutty. If i went over on Discover then i had to up my exercise or watch what i ate for the next couple days. With PP we think everythings available in huge quantites cos of the extra 49. I understand the reasoning behind them but still not suitable for everybody.
So glad I seen this as felt like I was on my own. Everyone raves about having their weeklys but I find they just encourage me to binge eat which is my major hurdle when it comes to diets :( I've been trying to stick with pp on and off since it has been brought in even though it clearly doesn't suit me.

Just going to dig out my discover pack and think I will join you all if you don't mind? Will be starting on tuesday as its my 30th this weekend so seems pointless setting myself up for a fail. That way I can enjoy a long weekend and then start afresh.
How are you all getting on?

Good luck,
Dan x
You're definately not alone Dan and you're more than welcome to join us.

Thing is if i could save my weeklies for a couple of big treats a week i'd have been fine but i couldnt. All HAD to be used. Not good.

Enjoy your long weekend, have a fab birthday and be ready and raring to go come Tues. xx
Well my birthday weekend lasted longer than it should of and even though I weighed myself on monday I'm only starting today. Obviously not expecting a big loss this week or maybe even just a sts as going to keep my weigh in a mon so that I have a good couple of days to save some points for the weekends. How's everyone getting on?

Dan x