Need somebody & general chit chat

That is so terrible,I heard it on the national news yesterday.Some really awful things happeneing including the three in shropshire last week.
Live for today !
I am so sorry hun to hear of more bad news that you are having to deal with. These times will make both you and your OH stronger although it doesn't feel like it now. Stay positive and take care. :hug99: xxxx
Hey MB,

Miss ya darl and hope your doing okay all things considering. Time for another holiday for you two kids hey!

hey hey girlies. im a big fat beached whale at the moment or at least that is how i feel ha ha put on 9lbs in the 2 months iv been not doing SW, going to try and cut down on my poo eating then get my head back into it and get my arse back into gear.
at the moment im very very tired as we went out last night for my partners birthday , stayed out till 2.30am but my little puppy alfie isnt very well and i had to stay up until 4am to get him back to sleep then he woke up again at 8 this morning, bless. the life of a parent eh

hope your all well and everything is going to plan and the weight is dropping of and the confidence building for you all.

i just feel like a balloon, i feel crap cos of the weight gain, i mean phycially crap so you would think i would do something about it...but no, i just keep stuffing my face. i have a new puppy and am walking alot more, so if i could stop eating junk i would prob loose it no problem, but i just dont seem to be able to stop. its very strange, like im watching myself and its not really me shovelling in that chocolate etc. once i have my head straight and things settle down with the puppy and work i will try harder, i just know that i can easily say i wil start again today and try, but i wont, so no point in kidding myself and saying i will........if that make sence lol
you just need to get your head back in it and your body will follow. i find if i eat junk day after day i crave it and think about it obsessively. when i do SW i still crave junk but i make myself eat healthier foods and after time that craving passes. i've been of plan for about 3 weeks, apart from 3 days when i came back from my holiday.

today is my 1st day back on SW properly. just set yourself a day to start and get stubborn with yourself :)
im being made redundant now! i give up!

hope everyone else is feeling better than me, i have also now put a stone on so im back to 12 stone spot on again now, i cant get back into SW fully yet but i am trying to at least cut right down on the comfort food, but the bad news just seems to keep coming. ggrrrr
Oh hun that is really ****! I am having a proper poopy time at the mo so we can sit in the corner and sulk together x
thanks Taz, im def' more the sulky type than the get on with it type lol.

but im sure things will get better in the end for both of us
Hi girls, what is going on in the UK???

MB sorry to hear about your job what a SH*& time you have been having of late. Perhaps try just healthy eating and water with a few walks a week. Just easing yourself into to it for a week before doing SW full on.

Things will work out and I definitely feel for you all as you know the past few months really were hard for me too, but I seem to have found a new lease on life and grabbing my old body back!

Well done Bren, i proud of you. your so strong. well done.

i have joined the local sports centre and so far have started a weekly Cardio Punch class and today went to Tap Arobics..which i wont be going to again cos its poo but at least i went. planning on Salsa areobics next wednesday morning and going to fit in some other stuff as well to see which classes i actually really like and will stick with. so tryin new stuff and trying to get my head into gear a bit more,.

after tomoorow, when i find out the final deicissions from work and what happens next, i should be able to plan things better.

Keep it up Bren

x bunny x

thanks and a big well done for you!

Hope everything sorts itself out soon and you can get on with life etc.

i tell you what MB and taz when you are both sat quietly in the corner i will come and entertain you with my hula hoop trust me it'll make you smile i am sooooooooo bad at it almost injuring myself lol

I've been AWOL for a while but sent you a PM with the details. How are you darling? Missed you.

Right girls. iv managed to pile on 2stone! i keep starting to get back into things but failing badly. i NEED to do something about it but apart from removing my head and replacing it with someones elses that has a scrap of will power i dont know what to do.

i have plenty of resons to start loosing again and have even signed up to the gym with a binding contract for 6 months but its no good if i go but still eat, any ideas of how to kick start me, pictures of slim and fat me dont work, i cant fit into my work clothes but that doesnt seem to motivate me, iv stopped going out cos i really dont have any clothes that fit and i feel very fat, writing down what i have eaten doesnt seem to be working either. im runnign out of ideas. i even went to see about lipo, but cant afford it. neither can i afford to go back to SW meetings so its doing it on my own at home im come on you lot, i know your all great so get rubbing some of that motivation off on me pleassssse
Welcome back MB XX. I have missed you x.

Weightloss for me is all about getting the head in the right place. You sound motivated and determined which I think is the biggest key.
I am a bit skint at the mo and finding doing dieting at home much harder but it can be done.

Abigail09 did have a thread of photoshop a phote to see what you would look like thinner. would that help?

hope you are well anyway and glad you're back xx