nervous about WI


Gold Member
Is this normal?

I've behaved 100% so far as im aware. Yet i still have some nerves about tomorrow night.

Is this something we have ingrained within us? Maybe with my being a serial dieter i assume im just destined to fail :confused:
Its perfectly natural. Im the same every wk even though so far ive had no reason to be cos i follow the plan to the letter. Good luck with the wi but im sure you will be fine x x
Yep. I'm always nervous every week. Its probably why I'm a serial midweek weigher! Despite me knowing that our weight fluctuates from day to day, I can't stop myself. I think it could be because I've been disappointed so much with my WIs in the past x
I know. My scales broke and so far have resisted the urge to buy a new one cos i obsess then about losing nd gaining daily so i think ill stick o my meeting wi for the moment x x
i get nervous every week too even though i've stuck to it .... i think its cause i can eat so much food it doesn't really feel like a diet and i'm waiting for a week with a major gain and someone to laugh at me and say did you really think you could eat that and loose weight ! :D
