New Biggest Loser UK Jan starts 10th 2011!!

I am addicted to both the Uk and the Us one, although I definitely prefer the US one as it is more dramatic.

Does anyone know when the Australia one is on?
he didn't HAVE to eat that pizza.. he could have refused and put an end to the game..
that was the point..

Exactly! He should have stood his ground, they already had a good few lbs by then. By giving in he just totally failed the temptation concept

You're right ColJack he could have said no. There must have been a lot of pressure from everyone else to keep going though to get the lbs off the target. It's easy for us to say that he should have made a stand but if the hopes of the whole team were on you it must be very hard.

Thats the biggest difference between the US and UK ones the US ones usually all agree not to do the temptation as its just not worth it.

If they do take the temptation its usually reluctantly or with a game plan in mind they dont get wired in with the same total enthusiasm for the food as the UK contestants did. They just seemed to see it as an excuse to eat

at that point there were only a few lbs left to uncover and you have to ask yourself how many lbs those "treats" put back on them to get a total of 18lbs off their target?

And in the end it made no difference, they ate all that junk and still failed the challenge. I think the biggest thing for me if I did that would be getting out the whole focussed mindset they must have been in. it would be like starting again
I am addicted to both the Uk and the Us one, although I definitely prefer the US one as it is more dramatic.

Does anyone know when the Australia one is on?

Aus one isnt on just now... its on Sky though. Its more in line with the US one but tends to go off on tangents with 'twists' which become a bit irritating. US one is definitely the best one :)
I can't believe they voted Claire off, Zandela didn't want to stay so why keep someone on the team who doesn't really want to be there? Claire did extra workouts and busted her ass for that team.

I agree too that the blue team ate bad food and got a reward for that; the black team ate nothing and got punished.
I just do not understand how they did not lose anything! It just doesn't make sense at all!! What is the explanation for this then? lol any ideas anyone? It never shows us what they actually eat...
Yeah totally! But the people who didnt stuff their faces didn't lose anything and Rob only lost 1lb. Maybe the vast amounts of weight they have lost are catching up with them? I wonder how they are going to explain this lol
well on the little bit of next week's show that they showed the trainer pulling a massive chunk of cheese out of the fridge, so i'm guessing they've not really got the hang of the healthy eating part of the plan! The fridge didn't seem to have many fruit or vegetables in it either, My fridge is usually rammed with veg!

So it will definately be interesting to see what they find next week!

I don't really like they way the show's format seems to change each week. It goes from teams being voted off, to teams beign voted but one person choosing to stay, to changing to two big teams - come on producer, make up your mind and stick to it!! They spend so long in the programme explaining how it's changed that there's barely any time to see what they're doing before they're all hopping on the scales again.
I agree. I think they should spend more time on showing us what they eat and the diet plan!
You'd have thought they'd be closely monitored as to what they eat.
Claire thought she was safe as she'd lost almost all the black teams weight, but Rob has shown how much he wants to win so he got rid of one of his main rivals.
The weightlosses are cr*p, we all pull more than that at our WI at SW and most of us are pensioners!
I wouldn't imagine they do their own food shopping as they live on a film set. Hmmm...I think they are being set up with lumps of cheese to make a story for the programme. Maybe the producers thought it would be boring if they had great losses every week. I smell a rat.
silly sausage said:
I wouldn't imagine they do their own food shopping as they live on a film set. Hmmm...I think they are being set up with lumps of cheese to make a story for the programme. Maybe the producers thought it would be boring if they had great losses every week. I smell a rat.

That does make sense. To be honest getting bored of this one may just watch the USA one. X
I wouldn't imagine they do their own food shopping as they live on a film set. Hmmm...I think they are being set up with lumps of cheese to make a story for the programme. Maybe the producers thought it would be boring if they had great losses every week. I smell a rat.

I'm pleased it is not just me - I also smell a massive rat, and to be honest, I simply do not buy into the "It must be the food" theory.

It seemed to be this week it came to a head, yet earlier there had been some spectacular losses and I believe that they will have been eating the same since day 1! - in fact, if anything, they probably started to eat better/more healthy as the weeks progress.

If not, then what hte hell is the point of the show as the US counterpart sees this as a vital part of the show and the correct food choices are as important than the exercise and weight loss.

I also suspect something. WHat's the betting after a few "home truths" next week, there will be some spectacular results the week after?

As for Claire (sp?) - Rob did admit he was starting to play the game as he identified Claire as a major threat. Turning this into a game is very harsh as a tearful Claire said herself she had lost more than anyone last week and deserved to stay. You know, aside form the £25,000 prize, the price here is weightloss, health and perhaps even life itself!

Claire made more effort than the rest of them put together! The reason she probably ate alone was because of the crap they were eating and she also did extra gym work.

Never mind, the better one is on this evening so let's see the yanks in action lol.

is the UK one repeated at any point during the week? I missed it last night.. ( must remember that the US one is on tonight..)