Step 1 Sole Source New team HARDCORE HOTTIES!!!

Day 11 here... Eek!! Still 100% back is achey this morning and feel a bit sniffly urgh. Only ever made it to day 11 once before, eek!

Hope everyone is well this morning?
Left my Cambridge stuff at home! Argghhhh thank goodness I don't work far from home, so I can pop back later!!
True! Feel much better than yesterday. Got my stuff now as had visit just round corner. Next visit 10.30 so 15 mins to kill. Good luck for weigh in tonight!
Day 11 here... Eek!! Still 100% back is achey this morning and feel a bit sniffly urgh. Only ever made it to day 11 once before, eek!

Hope everyone is well this morning?

Oh your doing fab, I definitely think its coming on here that's helping me along.
I am currently sat in lectures (very exciting obviously lol). Finishing early today -2.30pm then off to have a wobble and to take my daughter to her first dance lesson :)
Anyone else doing anything nice xx
Can't stop weeing today!!!
Day 8...... 14 lbs off!! Now then.. Been 100%.. So dubious about this bouillon BUT succumbed and just had a cup. It is AMAZING! Please can someone confirm that we can definately have it on sole source?? Marigold Swiss vegetable vegan reduced salt bouillon in a purple container.. Thanks. Keep it going everyone!!!!!
Day 8...... 14 lbs off!! Now then.. Been 100%.. So dubious about this bouillon BUT succumbed and just had a cup. It is AMAZING! Please can someone confirm that we can definately have it on sole source?? Marigold Swiss vegetable vegan reduced salt bouillon in a purple container.. Thanks. Keep it going everyone!!!!!

Wowee what a fab loss. Congratulations :). I have heard mixed things on the bouillon that you can both have/not have it. Xxx
Hi all well done on all your weight lost, i think we should add it all up after a week see how many stones we have lost in total. & well done starlit for doing 11 days every day done gets us closer to where we wanna be xx
Feeling rather blue this evening. My mum died of MND in 2010. Since she was diagnosed I have been quite involved with the MND Association. I have met a lot of people with MND through there, and sadly one of them passed away this morning. So feeling a little bit tearful at the moment. He was only 40 odd and leaves behind 2 young children :(
Hey everyone is doing AMAZINGLY well, I had to go to bed early last night I was Shattered. Im hoping these iron tablets kick in soon! should be back later got stuff to do
But in the words of KD (oldies will know who I mean) The victory is not in the numbers on the scales, but the fact I have stuck to it 100% all week with no cheats and I have tried my hardest and thats where the success is.

Certainly do. KD's the reason I'm managing to do this diet 100% right now. :) She said, when I was struggling to get restarted after Christmas (and I quote :D)

You know, sometimes knowing a lot about how things work dietwise can be a bit of a handicap IMO. Erase it all
Think about the first time, when you may have thought anything off plan was going to end up with it not working. Stick exactly to the book, and just don't 'tweak'...ever! No excuses. No listening to reasons why this and that wont hurt. It will! Totally into it and loving that feeling is the best way to be. Sort it out...get it messing!

Kind of cool idea eh

and then:

Yep, that first time is magic, but you really do get the choice whether to repeat it the magic way or otherwise.

I don't think it's actually harder to do again, just that the head is in a different place. You get through the hard days usually because you are excited with the novelty of it all....then hey presto, you are in the zone, both physically and mentally.

People are super strict with themselves, like you say...and that makes it much more doable in the longer term.

Time for action now. Bet you're excited aren't you? Hope so...because you need that excitement, knowing you are going to do this differently...the way you know it works.

Ooooo, I'm all excited for you

And that, simple though it sounds, seems to have done the trick. :D Day 8 proudly under my rapidly loosening belt (well, if I wore a belt it would be, right? ;))

KD is my absolute hero and much of why I lost it all the first time and why I have motivation every day. Wonder if she knows how much a hero she is to us? Hope so!

Day 8...... 14 lbs off!! Now then.. Been 100%.. So dubious about this bouillon BUT succumbed and just had a cup. It is AMAZING! Please can someone confirm that we can definately have it on sole source?? Marigold Swiss vegetable vegan reduced salt bouillon in a purple container.. Thanks. Keep it going everyone!!!!!

My guess would be "hell no" sorry for the french. For one thing "not in the book" for another it will hamper your losses, anything with salt will make you retain water.

I'm typing this from a boring tech-all-day meeting in Canada - going back to Europe tomorrow feeling all smug that I went through a) cooking for the family for a week before I left; b) a 20 hours business class temptation filled flight and c) 4 full days of travel without as much as a wiff of a cheat saying "no" to fancy free lunches and dinners every day right next to all their fancy food having my bar instead. Not even a Coke Zero. Water, coffee, bars. Day 11 - this had better show on the scales! :)))

OMG we are doing this!!! :D
KD is my absolute hero and much of why I lost it all the first time and why I have motivation every day. Wonder if she knows how much a hero she is to us? Hope so!

My guess would be "hell no" sorry for the french. For one thing "not in the book" for another it will hamper your losses, anything with salt will make you retain water.

Now I'm torn. Because we're hardcore - and you're right, it's not in the book. But... the low salt version of the Marigold Bouillon is considered unofficially to be an acceptable substitute for the Cambridge Savoury drink mix - if you compare the nutritional info like for like I have a feeling that the Marigold comes out as having lower salt - maybe someone can confirm? I do know that an awful lot of Cambridge consultants recommend it to their clients as it's way cheaper than the Cambridge stuff. No more than a tsp a day though!