New to Cambridge!


Full Member

I started the sole source step a week ago. Weighed in yesterday and lost 6lb's! I am so pleased to have lost nearly 1/2 a stone in a week!
I have been overweight most of my life (apart from a 2 year period after losing 3 stone on WW when I was 18.) Sadly a mixture of uni, discovering beer and a love of all things carb soon put pay to that!
I have had numerous failed attempts at WW and SW since and feel like I have lost the same stone about 7 times before falling off the wagon and putting it back on.
This time it's different. I feel so motivated to loose this weight FOR GOOD! Cambridge is the diet for me, I know the quick results will motivate me to continue until my goal (3 and a bit stone to lose). I am committed to following the plan to the end, including the maintenance steps so I change my eating habits and don't put the weight back on!

Wish me luck!!
Woohoo! Just had my second weigh in and have lost another 5lbs! That's 11lbs in 2 weeks. Soooo pleased!
Best of Luck Hannah and congrats on your fantastic weight loss
Thank you :)