New to minimins and failing at SW


New Member
Hey lovely people, hope your diets are all going well.

I'm totally failing, feeling very low about it all. Think I need a kick up the backside.

I did SW 3 yrs ago and lost just under 2 stone, dropping 2 dress sizes. I felt amazing and managed to maintain for a year and a half before falling pregnant.

I now have a beautiful little girl who is approaching 1 and I'm still carrying the 2 1/2 stone a gained whilst pregnant.

I've started SW about 8 times over the last year, loosing the odd pound here and there but always falling off the wagon a week or so later. I really don't think mentally I was ready.

Any way 5 weeks ago I started again, feeling very positive. 1st week 4 1/2 pounds off, great start and just what I needed to spur me on. 4 weeks later and I'd lost a measly 1/2 and this week gained 1 1/2!!!!

I really don't know where I'm going wrong and it's really getting me down. I just want to throw the towel in AGAIN but know that I'll be so annoyed with myself of I do and let's face it, I'll just end up back at square 1.

I just don't know where I'm going wrong, it was so easy last time!!

Hello and welcome!

First of all, well done on what you've lost already - you may not think it's much but if you hadn't of been trying then maybe you would have gained? So that's a positive.

How about you start a food diary on the SW part of the site and we can have a look at it and see if there's anything that can be picked up on?

I know it's hard but try not to lose heart, if you stick around on here you'll get lots of support, tips and advice :)
It always helps me when I plan ahead,maybe make a simple soup or make extra food for a main meal to heat up later.

You can do this x
Thanks for all your support girls!

Feeling much more positive today. Had a good day and realised I just need to keep plugging away.

I'm doing it all online this time, by the time I've finished work, picked up my daughter and got her home I just don't have time for the classes.

Did restart my food diary today, hoping that will keep me on track. Will update next week with my loss :)

Keep going and keep us all up to date x
My Cambridge diet consultant gave me a pound of fat, to show me what it looks, feels and weighs. I was amazed at the size of it ( it's also pretty disgusting! ) this was to motivate me on the weeks that I only lost a pound or so. It really is more than you think, it certainly was a lot bigger than I thought it would be! Don't give up. Also I was told that on the weeks when you don't lose weight but you lose inches, it's because your body is retaining water and that next week will show the weight loss.
Hey chick, glad you're feeling more positive. I find I do better on the weeks where I have planned more meals. Are you eating enough and using all your syns?
It's hard to keep going but think about why your doing it, set mini goals and starting a food diary are all great idea. Good luck.