Newbie Alert...


Full Member
Hi all newbie here :) I turned 30 on Monday and I had always promised myself I'd reach my goal weight by then but I've had abit of drama in my life and that hasn't happened.

To give you a little background I was with my horrible ex boyfriend for 5.5 years and was very unhappy I had put on a power of weight (tipping 16.5 stone at my heaviest) and felt it was time to change for the better.

So I lost 5.5 stone and when I did I dumped him! I was so pleased at my achievement as I did it all by myself just eating sensibly and doing workout DVDs before eventually joining the gym.

I still had some weight to lose but I had hit abit of a rut tbh. Then in August last year my world was turned upside down when my mother died suddenly and my dog died two weeks after.

I have put some weight back on due to all this but now I've decided enough is enough. I've ordered my WW ProPoints Starter pack and I'm looking to lose 2.5 stone this year.

I have also started attending Body Attack and the gym again. Sorry for going on but yup that's me! I look forward to sharing my journey with you guys.
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Hiya I am a newbie too just started so hopefully we can do this together, I too had the same sort of thing as you I was with my ex for 23 yrs and went upto nearly 22stone, joined rosemary conley club and got down to 12st 4lb, split from ex he couldn't handle the new me and had a wail of a time but unfortunately couldn't afford class after being made redundant and let it slip, got back on it last year lost 20lbs but then injured my knee and since put on 6lb I am now 15st 9lb, got a new boyfriend who I adore and life is looking good so I want to get back to my size 12 and feel good about myself and look good :)
Thanks folks I can't wait to set my attention on something positive. Good luck with your journey x