Newbie - On Slimming World


Hello, I'm Lisa :)

I've had a small weight issue since I was in my early teens which bloomed in to a full scale huge issue in my late teens and I've been struggling ever since (I also have PCOS).

I admit that I'm a comfort eater and have always had low self esteem - I'm working on both which I hope will help me along the way.

My best friend introduced me to SW after she lost 4st - she knew I was struggling to find a diet that works for me and dragged me along to a meeting insisting I would like the consultant and the other members. I've now been on the diet (extra easy) coming up to 7 weeks and have so far lost 12lb.

My main motivation is that I'm getting married in October 2013 and we would like to start a family as soon as we can.

Hope to meet people here who can keep my spirits high when a week doesn't go to plan as well as share ideas with :)

HELLO AND WELCOME! I'm a SW girl - people here are so nice and if you ever run out of inspiration the people on here will put it back for you. GOOD LUCK x
Hi Lisie,

I'm new too and have similar goals, we get married in November 2013 and want a family as soon as possible too!

I can't remember ever not thinking I had a weight problem, but when I look back at photo's of me at school I was actually the same size as everyone else! I wish the same was still true :) I think my weight problems really started when I left home and went to uni, the low self esteem led me to comfort eat and there began the vicious circle I'm determined to break for good!

I'm here looking for inspiration and a new view on dieting
