Newbie to the forum starting Slimming World today!

Hi there, I'm Jo from Kent, 38 :) new to the forum, starting Slimming World today. Working from home as I can't afford to join the club so looking for support online here!

Have had weight problems as long as I can remember, managed to loose several stones a few times (mostly when I've met a new man in my life I've put it down to!:rolleyes:) but its always crept back on again, not necessarily crept, sometimes very fast by comfort eating :mad:

I struggle a LOT with image problems, severe lack of confidence and am sick of the way my weight rules my life. I lost 1 1/2 stone at the start or 2010 when I met my boyfriend but have put it all back on again now, I want to get back to that and maybe a bit less. I'm quite a loner but he has lots of friends we do a lot of social stuff and I'm always dreading it because of my weight. All his friends gf's are thin and I feel like the odd one out.

Next weekend wedding to attend and for the last year I've been stressing over it! Tried various times to loose weight and failed miserably, so now I have to do the wedding f a t but have decided this is the last time, I want to approach social events with confidence in future.:D

Sorry this is a bit of a rant! Have done SW before several years ago though.
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Good luck!! I only started Slimming world 2 weeks ago and finding it really easy to follow and never feeling hungry!

All my friends are slimmer than me too but if you look closely they're just as insecure they just hide it better! X