

Full Member
Hiya Girls and Guys :D

I Ordered my Exante bumper pack last night so i will be starting with you guys on Monday (providing its here)

Bit about me, I'm 23 and since having my little girl nearly 6 years ago I've been overweight (at school i was always slim and a healthy weight but pregnancy and a few years after that saw me 7 stones heavier!) I'm currently bob on 15stones I've done Weight Watchers, that got me down from 18 stones to 13 stones but in the past few years i keep going back up to 15 again! i got 2 off again with Celebrity slim but i put that on again :( so this time i thought to myself THAT'S IT, I've used Minimins before when i was on celebrity slim and found it a good resource in helping me stay on track and it was here I saw the Exante forum (I've never heard of it before) and everyone seems very friendly so here I am!

So here's to being 11stone again! :p
Good luck with exante, your pack might even come tomorrow :D

Good luck for Monday then :D
Enjoy your weekend Holliedollie and good luck for Monday. :)