

Hi, I'm new to this and delighted to find a forum dedicated to those of us with a lot of weight to lose. I don't personally know anyone else with such a long way to go so am hoping that I'll feel at home here and find (and give) some support on what is, for me, a bit of a bumpy journey. :)
Hello Kizzy!

Welcome to the forums hun! :)

I am reletively new here to and like you I am delighted that this forum is here and have found lots of support and I know that you will to! Please remember you are not alone and we are here!

Jo x
Hi, I'm new to this and delighted to find a forum dedicated to those of us with a lot of weight to lose. I don't personally know anyone else with such a long way to go so am hoping that I'll feel at home here and find (and give) some support on what is, for me, a bit of a bumpy journey. :)
hi kizzykat
welcome to the form you will get loads of support here and no need to worry we all in the same boat so we all will be here for a longtime good luck on your journey
come and join our team team 50 trying to lose 50lbs if we do it its great but if not least we enjoyed doing it

Hey Kizzy, Welcome aboard, so many lovely folks on here to help you, don't worry my starting weight was 19st when I weighed in last weds (weigh in tomorrow!!) but it can only get better :) xx
kizzy so glad you joined