Not feeling very well

Jo B

Full Member
Really not feeling too great today - am really tired, achey and so cold. Have been doing LL for nearly 4 weeks and am hoping that it is just a bug I have picked up rather than any side effects. Am taking it easy at home today (with the fire on!) and will see how I feel later.
I am trying to drink enough but really struggling with it over the last couple of days (have still been managing 2litres plus shakes).
Any suggestions or has anyone else felt like this?
I think you are right, you probably do just have a bug as there is a lot of it going around at the moment.

Do you have any water flavourings? they will help. Also, do you the savoury broth or bullion? That will help increase you water and also might help you feel better.

I hope it is just a bug and you get well soon. Take care x x
hope you feel better soon - will be a bug i'm sure
look after yourself
daisy x
I'm sure it will be a bug,
I was always frozen - hence the name, but not tired and achey. Must be bug,

Hope it's less than a 24 hour one for you
Hope you feel better soon Jo:D