Nothing Tastes As Good As Skinny Feels (Take 2) - My Big Fat Story


Skinny (to be) Stef
So, I'm so terrible at keeping journals I'm making another one after I realised I haven't updated my previous one in months!
I've been reading a few diaries around here and favourites are those of who have just got to their goal weight and maintainers as, when you look back on the posts, you can really see what support they brought other people. I've been struggling for over a decade and if I could keep one other person above the water, it would mean so much to me.

My name's Stef and I started dieting roughly when I was about 8 years old. I wasn't fat at 8....I was a normal weight now I look back at the pictures from then, but I had a lot of problems. I went through some terrible things and at 8, I began puberty. I had always looked older than my age but now I was growing up in huge spurts that meant I was quickly growing out of my age range and on the cusp of 'women's' clothes, to which I thought were truly ugly. For the longest time I was the tallest and felt the biggest out of everyone in my class and anyone else I knew. At the time, I had a close relationship to my father (who is now estranged) and he was also a big man. I wanted to be exactly like my dad so I did everything like him...even the same portion sizes.
I never had many friends so most of the time I was with my parents and other adults. They treated me with food. As I got older and more independent, I started staying up late on the computer where my only friends were. After everyone had gone to bed, I would go on my nightly ritual hunt of food, grabbing at least a couple bags of crisps, some cake, warm up a microwave meal, perhaps make a sandwich or just some ham and claim various other things from the kitchen. I'd eat it all in front of the computer or television until my programs had finished and I knew I had to go to bed to face school the next day.
The weight began creeping on and I became more and more unhappy at school, getting bullied. My parents finally let me change to the school I was in at the very beginning of my school years but, because of my intelligence, I was put up two years from Year 8 to Year 10. I was doing GCSEs. There were a couple of other kids who were bright and ahead...but they kept mostly to themselves and were very unpopular. I wasn't liked and even though I desperately tried to make friends, practically the entire year turned against me. I became very depressed and I the illnesses that had started about a year before were getting worse. I was tired all the time with a lot of sore throats. Eventually I had so much time off, I finished that year and went down one, still putting me a year ahead. This time I got more friends and people I could relate to, but my depression got worse and I started dieting. At first it was perfectly normal...1200 cals a day and some exercise...but within days I was eating less and less and exercising more, realising how much I could change my daily deficit and lose more weight faster. By the end of it I was on an apple a day and several hours exercise. I was obsessed with Anorexia... Even more so, all through my years at this new school, I was cutting. One day it got so bad I was sent home and could not return.

I spent the next few years in disordered relationships with disordered eating patterns and trying to do home learning courses I just wasn't well enough to complete. I never got a qualification even though I joined MENSA when I was 7/8.

Last year, things began to change. I started college on a course for mature students. Unfortunately I dropped form that too, but I met an amazing guy I'm still with. Not long after I met him, I knew I wanted to be better for him and thinner to take pics with him and be confident. I didn't know what diet to do. I had tried Weight Watchers and even though I had lost weight, the counting out my daily points and planning what I could have with them was the same as counting calories. I tried to go fewer and fewer. A friend eventually suggested SW to me. Her mother had done it successfully. I talked to her Mum and I did some research and I signed up. I began losing weight, but sure enough I had some blips, I then had two weeks away for my 21st birthday and I put it all back on. I finally decided to go to a group. I had read about them and though the raffles and prizes were great incentives, if nothing else! I stopped my very pricey online subscription and went to group. That was almost 6 weeks ago from the time I write this, and I've never felt so positive, not lost so much weight so fast without starving myself and I think I have changed a lot of my mindset.

I still have very depressed days and days where I crave all the wrong foods...but I've done so well. I really want to be healthy again. I'm near a diagnosis of M.E. but I'm hoping it will ease up with the weight.

I'm hoping to get 'before' pics soon before I lose much more weight, lol. I will get the bf to clip some of my ugly form and try to get them up here asap. I'd love to have them taken at every size I lose. I'm still my starting size of 22! Keep checking here for piccies!

Here's to being skinny!

(P.s. This story is seriously condensed into what I think is a fairly decent background knowledge of my weight related problems. Other tales of my depression and illnesses and other bits and pieces have been left out because it would turn into a book!)
So the past week or so hasn't been amazing for me. I've been having hormonal problems with my period, a falling out of sorts with friends, general depression about how I feel about myself and paranoia my boyfriend thinks or will eventually think I'm not good enough. I'm also trying to sort out housing benefit and I am due to have a medical check-up for my ESA. I'm terrified they are going to take my benefits away and I'm not going to be able to live here anymore and I will have to go back to live with my mum after getting comfortable here. Mix that in with cravings for cookies and icecream and you've got one stressed out girl on your hands!
I've had my fair share of cries lately but I feel so overwhelmed that I just feel like losing my mind, curling up in a corner and letting everyone else deal with my life and not me like I did when I was younger. It's hard without my Mum around. I moved up 200 miles or so and even though she's only on the other side of the phone, she had some pretty serious problems going on right now that also makes me worry. I'm hoping to get her up here soon because she and my nan really need to leave where they are currently, but it's not going smoothly. I feel pretty alone and with my bf having worries at work, my friends here feeling a bit awkward and little else, the only properly positive thing I have to cling on to at the moment is my weight loss, and I'm so terrified of losing that too! The feeling of being in the way and my inadequacy is really getting to me at the moment.

Last week I thought I looked really bloated. I felt it. I went to group and I had lost 4lbs. I was so happy. This week I've got the same worries again. I've had an extra hi-fi bar here and there but I'm still way below my syns. I think I feel that if I'm not starving, I can't possibly lose. I'm also so terrified of what it might do to me if I don't lose or even if I gain. I'm really trying hard to feel okay about myself. I expect so much of myself that I really put myself at risk if I fail. Sometimes I want to throw everything away, including my relationship because I'm too scared of losing it in the future. I want to get rid of it myself before I can gain any more to lose. That and I don't feel like I deserve anything good! Life is so very tiring.

I also developed a virus the other day. A bad mucus-based cough and a sniffly nose. The nose thing came and is almost gone but my coughs have got drier and with the effort and force of my coughing, I'm not hurting my neck and head. I feel so very rotten that it doesn't help my cravings for this sweet food right now. I've had:

4 or so under-ripe plums
2 Hi-Fi Light bars
Diet Fanta Chicken with rice (a couple of servings)

Doesn't sound like a lot but I sleep in to the afternoon due to my illness and dinner was pretty filling.
Thanks for the drop in. I'm still coughing a bit and had a terrible headache today from the stress the coughing has been putting on me. I didn't want up until 4:30pm but I did have a very late night as I often stay up all night talking to friends and such on the computer! Very naughty of me, I know :(

I'm hoping that on Thursday before my appointment with the ESA people when I give my housing benefit thing in to the town hall there won't be a problem. It's been awhile before I could get out of the house when it's not a weekend of after their closing times so my rent is late for a month or two...I'm hoping they'll be nice and backdate it for me...if they don't I'm going to be a bit out of pocket and pretty stressed. Also stressed because I'm worried the ESA medical team will do what they did before and say I'm fine! It took an appeal and tribunal before my ESA was finally awarded to me. Hopefully I will my new doctor up here will have had the time to do me a letter I can pick up and show the ESA team to prove I'm really not very well! All very stressful. Will be glad when Friday comes.

So today I got up, spoke to my mum on the phone and mainly waited for the boyfriend to come home. I then sent him back out to pick up some diet drinks, cough syrup and ex-lax. After that we started a recipe for Beef Vindaloo. It was supposed to have brown sugar in it but we didn't have any so I subbed a little normal sweetener so I'm pretty sure it was free! I had two slices of wholemeal bread (HEXB) and I didn't feel the need to have seconds! So all I had today was one plate of food. I bulked out the curry with some potato and broccoli for that extra healthy stuff and I'm feeling pretty good. I know that tomorrow I won't be eating or hardly drinking anything until I weigh-in at 7:30pm as usual. I'm so eager for a decent loss...I would love my stone award as well as maybe another cheeky SOTW! I feel and think I look fat though, so we shall have to wait and see. I keep reading posts of people who have apparently been good all week and then gone on to STS or even gain! That terrifies me. Though, last week I thought I looked really bloated and I got a comment from a lady saying I looked thinner! It was really nice. Beginning to think I should maybe measure myself but I'm fine with just seeing how my clothes fit at the moment!
I'll try and remember to get the bf to take a picture asap and put it up on here. I might keep one of the size 22 jeans I have to show how much difference there is at a time!

Wish me luck for tomorrow guys.

Catch you later.
FaithFluro said:
Thanks for the drop in. I'm still coughing a bit and had a terrible headache today from the stress the coughing has been putting on me. I didn't want up until 4:30pm but I did have a very late night as I often stay up all night talking to friends and such on the computer! Very naughty of me, I know :(

I'm hoping that on Thursday before my appointment with the ESA people when I give my housing benefit thing in to the town hall there won't be a problem. It's been awhile before I could get out of the house when it's not a weekend of after their closing times so my rent is late for a month or two...I'm hoping they'll be nice and backdate it for me...if they don't I'm going to be a bit out of pocket and pretty stressed. Also stressed because I'm worried the ESA medical team will do what they did before and say I'm fine! It took an appeal and tribunal before my ESA was finally awarded to me. Hopefully I will my new doctor up here will have had the time to do me a letter I can pick up and show the ESA team to prove I'm really not very well! All very stressful. Will be glad when Friday comes.

So today I got up, spoke to my mum on the phone and mainly waited for the boyfriend to come home. I then sent him back out to pick up some diet drinks, cough syrup and ex-lax. After that we started a recipe for Beef Vindaloo. It was supposed to have brown sugar in it but we didn't have any so I subbed a little normal sweetener so I'm pretty sure it was free! I had two slices of wholemeal bread (HEXB) and I didn't feel the need to have seconds! So all I had today was one plate of food. I bulked out the curry with some potato and broccoli for that extra healthy stuff and I'm feeling pretty good. I know that tomorrow I won't be eating or hardly drinking anything until I weigh-in at 7:30pm as usual. I'm so eager for a decent loss...I would love my stone award as well as maybe another cheeky SOTW! I feel and think I look fat though, so we shall have to wait and see. I keep reading posts of people who have apparently been good all week and then gone on to STS or even gain! That terrifies me. Though, last week I thought I looked really bloated and I got a comment from a lady saying I looked thinner! It was really nice. Beginning to think I should maybe measure myself but I'm fine with just seeing how my clothes fit at the moment!
I'll try and remember to get the bf to take a picture asap and put it up on here. I might keep one of the size 22 jeans I have to show how much difference there is at a time!

Wish me luck for tomorrow guys.

Catch you later.

Hey hunny I got up at 1630 yesterday and got to sleep at 0630 last night/this morning so I completely sympathise
The husband and I are off work me for years and him for months but as we are students we can't get ESA unless one of us gets DLA so we're trying to get that which seems to be a struggle :( very depressing we've got no money and if this goes on much longer I'm so worried how we're going to pay the mortgage :S not fun is it :( really hope your meeting goes well I've got a meeting with a counselling service to see of they can help me with my anxiety no idea how the fudge am I going to get there at 9am!!!
That sounds like a nightmare! I've got to go into the middle of Manchester and the only way is my bf having a day off work to take me on his motorbike otherwise it's over an hour's commute on buses and trains, including walking that I'd struggle with! I could get a taxi but I'd have to pay straight up which would be costly and then I would have to wait for them to give the money back!
I know they try to weed out the people faking but for us who have genuine problems, it's a nightmare!

How old are you and your other half if you don't mind me asking? And what are you studying? I've tried home learning before and I just haven't got on with it...I'm hoping losing weight and such will give me that bit of energy and such I need to finally be able to do it.
FaithFluro said:
That sounds like a nightmare! I've got to go into the middle of Manchester and the only way is my bf having a day off work to take me on his motorbike otherwise it's over an hour's commute on buses and trains, including walking that I'd struggle with! I could get a taxi but I'd have to pay straight up which would be costly and then I would have to wait for them to give the money back!
I know they try to weed out the people faking but for us who have genuine problems, it's a nightmare!

How old are you and your other half if you don't mind me asking? And what are you studying? I've tried home learning before and I just haven't got on with it...I'm hoping losing weight and such will give me that bit of energy and such I need to finally be able to do it.

We're 29 I'm supposed to be doing a phD in particle physics
I'm having to get husband to take me tomorrow couldn't handle it myself :S
Wow...what other qualifications do you have and when/how did you get them? What job do you want to go into?
I feel like I'll never get anywhere because I don't even have GCSEs
FaithFluro said:
Wow...what other qualifications do you have and when/how did you get them? What job do you want to go into?
I feel like I'll never get anywhere because I don't even have GCSEs

I'm up! Gah feel like poo stupid illness and stupid 9am appointments, 4hrs sleep! Woo!
I got my gcses and a levels before I was diagnosed, then I started a degree abs had to drop out when I first became ill, and then a few years later I went to a different uni and got my degree, husband got ill earlier though and only has a couple of gcses and he is also doing a phd in particle physics (that's how we met)
Ugh, you're lucky you got to do so the moment I'm just focussing on losing weight but I really do worry about my future. What job uses that kind of qualification? Does your husband have CFS too?

1.5 off for me tonight. I was a bit upset it wasn't more and spilled my heart about stuff and my past and everyone was so supportive I almost cried. A lovely Scottish lady who goes said I should have more faith in myself and like myself more because I'm lovely. Meant a lot to me. Still going for my stone award so aiming for at least 2.5 off next week!
Will update more later when I actually have access to the computer x
FaithFluro said:
Ugh, you're lucky you got to do so the moment I'm just focussing on losing weight but I really do worry about my future. What job uses that kind of qualification? Does your husband have CFS too?

1.5 off for me tonight. I was a bit upset it wasn't more and spilled my heart about stuff and my past and everyone was so supportive I almost cried. A lovely Scottish lady who goes said I should have more faith in myself and like myself more because I'm lovely. Meant a lot to me. Still going for my stone award so aiming for at least 2.5 off next week!
Will update more later when I actually have access to the computer x

I've had my fair share of cr@ppy health been off now since oct 2010, no idea what job I'll be able to do if and when I finish, it'll be severely limited by my health
Yea he does
Hey hunny I know 1.5 doesn't sound like much but that's still be 3 1/2 stone by Christmas!!!
Good luck on your stone award I was 1.5 off it a few weeks back but now I'm 8.5 away :'(
Been feeling really depressed about having nothing to my name, not knowing when I'm going to be able to do anything or what I'm going to do if I get to the point where I'm actually capable of doing something. I keep having to tell myself to just enjoy the fact I'm living with an amazing bloke and I'm doing something amazing about my weight. The doctors are helping me so hopefully one day I'll actually be able to do something productive. I just don't want to get a job in a shop or something...I've always wanted to help people and I can't imagine not doing that in my life but then I would feel like I ultimately wasted my life. It's my place here to help people...I already feel like I've 'wasted' so much time already...I don't want to waste any more but I know I'm not ready yet. I'm so scared of the future because I just don't know what it holds. Everyone keeps telling me it's going to be all right but there's a decently big part of me that asks me 'What if it ends up not being all right? What if you get to a healthy weight and you're still far too ill to study and to work. What then?' Well...a small part of my replies 'Well, that would be the end. There would be very little reason for me to keep keep on going'.
I need to take things one day at a time. I need to focus on little things...little achievements. The shiny star stickers on my book, for one. I have to slow down.

I was so tired the past could of days I've been getting in early nights.

On Wednesday after my weight in, I only had a little bit to eat. Half a plate of leftover curry with extra leeks. I didn't even finished my slice of bread I had with it. I did finish off the Rocky Road bar at club though. 0 syns.

Thursday we were lazy. I got a tray of doner meat. I used my HEXB on two slices of wholemeal bread to have with it as well as some salad and tabasco sauce. It filled me right up. I also had a plum and possibly else something small that's probably not worth mentioning considering I can't remember it! 3 syns-ish for the meat. (Boyfriend had a ham and pineapple pizza and I didn't have any so yay for me! A little accomplishment for me there...)

Tonight I had half a punnet of strawberries with a strawberry muller light. Bf and I decided we were going to veg again so he got salf and pepper wings and vermicelli noodles and I tried chicken and veg in oyster sauce with boiled was yummy. 4.5 syns.
Sorry you're feeling so down hunny it is tough isn't it x

I seem to have spread from depression into a bit of a bipolar thing in he past few years. I've been feeling okay the past couple of days now but when I get down it's practically suicidal. Very distressing because I feel the urge to tell then I worry them and then I feel okay a few hours later and ashamed and embarrassed about how bad I felt and was before!

I went to a show tonight with the bf and a friend. It was good fun. The best part about it was seeing the bf so happy and laughing so hard. I enjoyed sharing that with him.
Going out also meant getting dressed into something other than pyjamas. I had a bath, brushed out a few of the tangles in my hair and was surprised to see that I didn't think I actually looked half bad. I think I look different....hopefully that's because of the weight loss. I'm looking forward to seeing my mum again soon after so many weeks...I'm hoping she notices the difference and is surprised and happy.

So today I had a couple of hi-fi light bars as my HEXB, a full punnet of cherries and then we made Peperonata Pasta before we went out. I had it with some seasoned smash and parmasan cheese (HEXA) and it was lovely. I had a second helping when we got home with a small glass of low-cal rose wine the bf thoughtfully got me. It was so lovely I could have easily finished that bottle and probably gone on to the low-cal white wine he got too but I was good and stuck with the one glass...even though it went down me very quickly! So, 3 syns for that glass of wine and that's it.

I think I'm still on track for at least a 2.5lb loss this week. Excited and nervous about Wednesday. I know in a couple of days time the excitement will probably whittle down to just nervousness and dread but I have my new weighing in clothes (a new shirt and some leggings) and I'm determined to get that stone award! I'm still doing the naughty and counting my calories on Myfitnesspal and it says that at the rate I'm going I should lose another stone in five weeks! I really hope that's true, hehe. Will be close to my club 10, then.
So today I was really hungry. I think it had something to do with boredom but I was also feeling really lazy - nothing new there with my illnesses!
I started off with having a yummy orange and dark chocolate Mullerlight yoghurt with a Rocky Road Hi-Fi Light bar and a Caramel and Chocolate Hi-Fi Light bar (HEXB). After the bf got home I grilled a whole pack of cut chicken fillets (the raw long ones you get from Tesco) and made a huge sandwich with onion, forgetting I had already had my HEXB! I had the left over chicken afterwards and that worked out to be 8 syns for the two slices of bread.
Later we ordered chinese where I got chicken in oyster sauce for 4.5 syns and split a portion of salt and pepper chips I estimated to be about 8 syns.
Total today is 20.5 syns and whilst I enjoyed it and my weekly total is only at 30.5 syns or something, I'm really worried about my weigh-in tomorrow. Gonna stick to my regular plan of not eating anything and drinking the bare minimum as well as taking some ex-lax tonight to flush me out so I don't have any 'false weight' on me. I'm resisting the urge to make myself throw up because it will destroy if I put on weight tonight because of what I've eaten today! I know it hasn't been that much in the way of being naughty but I'm worried that the 'false weight' will be there. I really want my stone award and I've only got to do 2.5lbs to get it. Freaking out.

I've stuck as much as possible to the plan with my superfree and stuff, stuck under my syns but I still feel like I'm eating far too much and I'm feeling really guilty and anxious about it.

I don't know what I'll do if I gain...I feel really horrible and fat right now.
So I just ate the few bites of leftover Chinese noodles I had and I KNOW they can't be free. There's definitely some oil in there and what not so I'm going to add 7 syns. I'm guessing they're going to be around the same as a chow mein. I'm still way under my syns and I'm not going to pretend something is free when I know it can't be! So good on me for admitting that the noodles are synned but I should have have boiled rice....the noodles were ultra yummy though. I wish I knew what went into them to make them taste so delish and make a SW-friendly version!
So tonight it seems my fears were unfounded as I lost the EXACT amount I wanted and needed to get my one stone award! Proud owner of another sticker (blue!) and another certificate. That's one stone gone for good and I'm feeling much happier with a lot of my faith restored in the plan. I'm glad about that and fully intended on throwing myself into everything again.
I'm pretty proud of myself for having constant losses and being so good. I was terrified tonight would be my first gain. I'm determined to keep this up. If I can keep losing every week then nothing can stop me!

Had a taster evening at the club and everything was lovely. I've been turned on to couscous and I think I'll be eating plenty more of it from now on. Will put lots of superfree like tomatoes, peppers and courgette into it. Synning at 7 for the taster. I'm not sure how much the naughtier stuff was but I'm estimating it couldn't have been much more of this if it was! Came home to a bolognese done by the bf which was scrummy. He does well by himself :) Had it with a small bit of spaghetti and I am glad to report I was very full (stuffed!) after the taster and dinner. Stomach definitely shrinking!
Got some plums that have ripened up nicely to nibble on tonight. Tomorrow will be leftover bog ;)

Going to see my mum this weekend and I'm looking forward to showing myself off. I hope she thinks there's a real difference. My consultant tonight said I was looking thinner :) I was wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt and leggings! They're my weighing-in clothes from now on ^_^
I have cous cous as a breakfast meal with orange grated into it, the juice squeezed into it and the remaining flesh mixed in, and then sweeten to taste. Works with grapefruit too, maybe a bit more sweetener though. X
Sweet couscous...that's really interesting! I've had it both today and yesterday. Today I had it mixed with rice with some peri peri chicken I bought from a takeaway the other night. Dissected it and took the skin off.

I'm down at my Mum's. Been going around picking my stuff up as well as spending a long time in a boiling hot attic moving stuff around so that must be a little bit of helpful body magic!
I'm a bit tired to do a full update on my food I left my log downstairs and I can't for the life of me remember all that I've had. I've been very good though, staying well under my syns and not eaten very much at all!

I think moving all my stuff up to the house I'm not sharing with my boyfriend is having more of an impact of me than I'm actually realising. I keep sitting down in various places around the house and when it all goes quiet and I have a moment to look around I realise that I'm leaving my freedom and my safety net. For so many years nothing was really expected of me here and I knew my mum would take care of me. Now I know my bf doesn't expect a whole heap from me but I'm still going to have to do more cleaning and stuff than I was before and to me with all the problems I have, that feels like a mammoth task. I feel like such a bad girlfriend when I haven't done anything and I watch when he comes home from a long day at work (which he hates) and then goes on to unload the dishwasher and tidy up the place. It makes me feel so guilty but I either am genuinely too tired or I actually forget. Sometimes I forget things within a couple of minutes, even if they're right in front of me. I'm worried that if I don't pull my finger out, he'll get angry with me and he eventually won't be able to take it anymore with me. I'm supposed to have this illness but sometimes I expect so much of myself and think so badly of myself that I think maybe I'm just lazy and good for nothing. I honestly don't know what the bf sees in me or why he wants to keep me around. I've almost left before because I thought it was the best thing for him but he stopped me. Everyone I've ever known has given up on me, including myself....well, maybe not my mum but she almost did. She's told me before now that she wanted to get rid of me because sometimes I was just too much at my worst.
I know I should have more faith in myself but I just can't do it at the moment. I think that maybe getting slim with secure my place with my bf. I couldn't lose him. He's the best thing to have ever happened to me.

Thanks guys for subbing.

See you around.