November Mini Challenge...5th-5th


Trying to stay healthy!
Hi Everyone,
As it's the 5th today our mini October challenge is now complete! and didn't we do fabulously!!

And so starts a new mini challenge for November (5th Nov - 5th December) just in time for those Christmas Parties!!

ok, so i aim to lose 10lbs and hopefully i will then be at goal!

So roll up and add your name to the list if you would like to join....

Lellycd - 10lbs

Let's do this thing !!!

Hiya - I would love to start with you.
I lost 2lbs in my WI Yesterday and would love to lose another 12lbs in November

hi pretika, okey dokey i'll add you to the list -

Lellycd - 10lbs
Pretika - 12lbs

Good luck!

hi Anna, that's fantastic! well done you! are you joining in with the mini Nov challenge? if so let me know how much you would like to lose by 5th Dec and i'll add you to the list.

Good luck for another fab week!!

yes please I was going to say a stone but after that result i'll say 18ibs hehe
Excellent, go for it!!

Lellycd - 10lbs
Pretika - 12lbs

Hypa2008 - 18lbs
I am in two minds about what I want my goal to be. I think I want my goal to be a couple of lbs lighter than I originally thought, but I can't make my mind up! So put me down for an 8lb loss, but I might change my mind and change it to to 6lbs or even 12lbs depending on how I look when I loose a few more lbs. I think it's so hard to decide what you want to weigh until you get there really..... Also, it's so hard to decide when to start moving up the plans!
I know how you feel Ruth, i had a conversation with CDC about it last night, she wanted to make sure i'd be happy with my 10st goal (not sure if she was encouraing me to go lower actually) but i did stress to her that i would be worried about going any lower as i've been 9st before and found it hard to maintain although I didn't really have any kind of maintenance plan in place when i did that (13 years ago!) , i met hubby and we off on our merry way...ha ha !!
She also encouraged me to start doing SS+ a few days this week and i'm finding it hard to make that decision as i don't want anything to stop the success i'm having now so i'm going to add in a few SS+ meals this week and see how i get on at WI next week.

anyway here's the list so far -

Lellycd - 10lbs
Pretika - 12lbs
Hypa2008 - 18lbs

Madameruthybaby - 8lbs

Yeah that's a good idea. I think I might do that from Monday depending on what my weight loss is when I get weighed on Sunday.

Will be really interesting to hear what your losses are like with a few days of SS+ - do you get weighed next Tuesday then?

I am finding it such a dilema about how much I want to loose and when I want to start moving up the plans. If this helps my CDC said on SS+ you can expect to loose 3 or 4 lbs a week, on 810 you can expect to loose 2 or 3 lbs a week, on 1000 plan you can expect to loose 1lb a week and then after that probably not alot every week, if anything.
Lellycd - 10lbs
Pretika - 12lbs
Hypa2008 - 18lbs
Madameruthybaby - 8lbs
soontobelittlegem - 14lbs
Suesurrey 14lbs

I would like to join too. Just started my 2nd week of CD.
hi lelly count me in please! i want yo lose 16lb!...xx
Hi Smurf, have added you to the list!

Lellycd - 10lbs
Pretika - 12lbs

Hypa2008 - 18lbs
Madameruthybaby - 8lbs
soontobelittlegem - 14lbs
Suesurrey - 14lbs
Smurf - 16lbs

I'm all excited about this new challenge!!

so am i because i know ive not much more to lose!..xx
i bought a pair of jeans 2day from new look size.......14 whoop! whoop! still has'nt sunk in yet that im not a 24 anymore!...xx
wow that's fantastic Smurf!! well done you, it's soo lovely to be able to go in 'normal' shops again, you are doing brilliantly!!

thankyou lelly! i feel normal for once!!..xx