O/T Fake Tan

I've always been too scared of going orange or streaky to do self-tan. I'd love to get a salon one - but the whole no clothes in front of someone else puts me RIGHT off!
I need to do something as i am quite pale and tend to go tomato coloured rather than brown if i am out in the sun!

I know what you mean- I am too scared to do it myself as well! I've had a St Tropex spray tan at a salon a few times and it was AMAZING! You don't have to stand there completely naked though - they give you disposable knickers!!! They've seen it all before so don't worry about it - just go for it!
I'm lily white and freckled... I don't know why but I let my friend talk me into a fake tanning cream. I used the L'Oreal one... Nutri-something? I can't remember... Anyway... I used the one for fair skin, and didn't like it much. She said use the one for medium skin... so I did... and I was addicted to it all summer. It looked so good! Gave me just a nice healthy colour, not weird and tangoed. As soon as it's warm enough to start showing a bit of leg and arms... I'm going to use it again. Wow... fake tan rocks!
Well, I'm nicely bronzed. Infact, I'm actually a bit... paler than I'd like to be. But yeah, no streaks! :D
personally i prefer au naturel! Everyone is orange these days! Its not natural! LOL

I am very pale, but i am happy with my colour - i was born this way so why change?

but i do like a tan on holiday :) But thats more so people say 'have you been away?' LOL