On phase 2 and wondering about sweetener?

Hi All
I completed phase one last Friday & lost 6lbs. I felt quite pleased with this but was secretly hoping for more cause of all the reviews I'd read on amazon ... some folks had lost up to a stone in phase one.
Phase 2, & yes was a bit naughty on the wine yesterday, but had no sugar and stuck to the fat meals, carb meals etc.
I will be having my cup of tea in the mornings (maybe 2) as the book says you can have 2 cuppas if you really have to.
So far I really like the diet. It is weird having all that fat and loosing weight... feels a bit wrong in a way but it Works!
I have grown to love the NLY and that has a high fat content and I ate loads of it in phase one and still lost the weight!!
The only thing I don't like about the diet is no sweetner allowed? Just a little bit in my tea and on my oats would make a world of difference... I may break this rule a bit, but am worried it will wreck the science of the diet? Has anyone cheated with sweetener and still lost weight? Be glad to hear from you.
Hi at the risk of sounding condescending, well done on phase 1, I'm just starting week 4 and so far have lost 10lb and my weight loss has slowed dramatically.

If I can give you one word of advice it will be to introduce new foods gradually and by that I mean, one food, not one food group ie milk or cream or cheese as I made the mistake of adding all of them in the first week plus berries and my weight loss has slowed more than I'd like.

With regards to sweetners THD says no, which you have already said and this is to do with the fact that the body still reacts the same whether its sugar or sweetner and the idea is to rid your cravings and the only way to do this is to avoid all sweetners and sugars.

I am back on Phase 1 with the exception of skimmed milk, I have 2 cuppas a day, one in the morning with my porridge which I also make half-half with water and milk and other than that I haven't introduced anything else this week to see if I can up the weight loss.

i think you can have more than 2 cuppas a day as long as they are decaff, as she advises steering clear of caffeine and this also raises the blood sugar.

Hope all this makes sense and I haven't said a load of stuff you already know and then ended up not helping at all :(

Please let me know how you are going as there as so few of us on this diet/plan on this forum its nice to encourage each other.