One stone at a time target/challenge.

Welcome emmajane. Think we r all finding it a struggle to stay on track wiv all Xmas goodies & parties. Keep coming on here tho cos everyone's support really helps. Uve done really well so far so don't let ur friend get u down. She has prob done u a favour cos if I were u I wud b determined to prove her wrong!!! We will all b wiv u every step of the way. Ps sf is simply filling xx
Hi Emmajayne. Welcome...
Kay - i spotted ww bagels at morrisons yesterday. I had some ww wraps today at 3pp each - thought they were a bit naff. Wouldrather have normal ones and point them!
Emms x
Hey guys!
Hope you don't mind if I join you at this challenge. Defiantly see 1stone at a time being more achievable I'm at 8.5lbs so far, but been stuck there for a few weeks now :( would like to get to my 1st stone for new year as got a big night out planned. Got another 4st to go after that...ideally for September when I'm bridesmaid. Would love to prove to a friend (the bride) that I can do it, as I asked her not to order my dress yet, but she went ahead and got me an 18...which disappointed me, as she clearly has no faith in me :( hope everyone is getting on ok in the run up to Xmas...I know I'm going to find it a touchy, but determind not to put my good work(so far) to waste.
Is anyone else finding the Christmas parties/meals out seem to be a continuous thing through if one meal out would be a big enough challenge...instead I have about 2 meals out a week planned. Wish me luck! X

Hi and welcome to our little group, that is now getting bigger ! in a good way though !!

getting to that stone mark before New Year is do-able, but you must really really be strict with yourself, as sum of us lot on here... one person springs to mind, is just not able to control herself around mince pies...nuts etc etc at the moment! :D

But saying that, its XMAS !! if we can't put on a few pounds over the festive period... god even skinny people eat like hell at Xmas, why shouldn't we! Think we really need to plan what we are going to do to get back on the plan in the new year !

I know I could try posting this on SF but think I'll get better response here, does anyone know where I can buy WW bagels. Looked in sainsburys & coop but no joy & decided mon is the day I'm gonna try the sf. I'm thinkin these are my main things....
Bagels with ham & cream cheese( is that free)
Jkt potatoe & beans
Meat, pot, 2 veg
I am gonna miss my warby wraps but I know they'll still be waiting for me if I get outta the other side alive xxxxkayxxx

I really need to look into this SF and give it a go !

But you have a few answers to your questions, Asda, Morrisons... Hope you find them hun !

Lisa xx
Yey, I found my WW calculator ! Ive searched everywhere for it !

Dead pleased Little Mix got through tonight, I really think they may win, I hope so, I've been voting for them ! Sussshhh don't tell the hubby tho, he'd divorce me.... mm maybe I should tell him lol

Everyone have a nice sunday !

Lisa xx
Hiya emma welcome to the gang. You can defo do your stone for xmas :) thank god i hve no xmas parties to worry about or actually is that sad lol but dreading my ww class finishing cos it ill be nearly 2 wks between wi and im terrified ill go off the rails big time. Ill have to come on here regularly for a bum kicking :) good luck this wk hope its a good wk x x
Gonna try morrisons for WW bagels although I am a bit ..... Not sure of word.... Is it sceptical? Cos I think they just tell us WW bagels are free on SF so we buy em & they have same nutritional value as proper ones. It's like all WW bread products are free, I think it's a bit of a marketing con personally. Ssssooooooo I ave been bad beyond belief so bad I went to bed feelin sick. Tonight we're off to a Chinese for a bit of Xmas doo. But it's all you can eat. Now I'm not keen on the usual canteen style all you can it. The ones where everyone just ques & helps themselves. I always wonder how long some of the dishes are kept warm for? It's a Chinese where you're given a menu & you order to your hearts content & only pay 1 price. We usually order about 6 rounds of starters then are to full to go to the main & just order 1 so we feel like we got our money's worth. Lol.
So on it tomorrow but do I try SF or PP? Remember OH is away in Ireland so I'll be doing lots of dancing. Lol. Xxxxkayxxx
Gonna try morrisons for WW bagels although I am a bit ..... Not sure of word.... Is it sceptical? Cos I think they just tell us WW bagels are free on SF so we buy em & they have same nutritional value as proper ones. It's like all WW bread products are free, I think it's a bit of a marketing con personally. Ssssooooooo I ave been bad beyond belief so bad I went to bed feelin sick. Tonight we're off to a Chinese for a bit of Xmas doo. But it's all you can eat. Now I'm not keen on the usual canteen style all you can it. The ones where everyone just ques & helps themselves. I always wonder how long some of the dishes are kept warm for? It's a Chinese where you're given a menu & you order to your hearts content & only pay 1 price. We usually order about 6 rounds of starters then are to full to go to the main & just order 1 so we feel like we got our money's worth. Lol.
So on it tomorrow but do I try SF or PP? Remember OH is away in Ireland so I'll be doing lots of dancing. Lol. Xxxxkayxxx

Hiya kay oh i could have that chinese right at this min . Those all you can eat are lethal but its xmas party so you have to make sure you enjoy t. Im a bit wary of sf too but my problem is bread is my reason for living and i dont trust myself to "stop when full" cos its not a bother for me to sit with a loaf and butter and polish it off. See how you feel tomorrow cos you can flick between the 2 plans. Enjoy your night x x
Morning All,
Got weighed this morning in anticipation for tomorrows weigh in and I was 286lbs this morning!! If I can maintain this til tomorrow i will have a 5lb loss!! :eek: In all reality if its 3lbs I'll be happy.

I'm going to try and stay away from bread today and tomorrow if I can. I made us a bacon and mushroom omlette for brunch today.

I had a big sleep in this morning and didn't get up until 11am! So not like me.
Whats everyone else up to today?
Emms x
Morning All,
Got weighed this morning in anticipation for tomorrows weigh in and I was 286lbs this morning!! If I can maintain this til tomorrow i will have a 5lb loss!! :eek: In all reality if its 3lbs I'll be happy.

I'm going to try and stay away from bread today and tomorrow if I can. I made us a bacon and mushroom omlette for brunch today.

I had a big sleep in this morning and didn't get up until 11am! So not like me.
Whats everyone else up to today?
Emms x

Wow emms thats brillant well done to you :):):) do you think bread makes a huge difference to you, i think it might be why i sts last wk cos when i looked back at my tracker for last wk to see where i could have gone wrong i noticed i had eaten loads of bread even though i had pointed it, where i had been avoiding it. Maybe im looking for something to blame and was not that at all. Enough waffling well done you x x
i think it might be why i sts last wk cos when i looked back at my tracker for last wk to see where i could have gone wrong i noticed i had eaten loads of bread even though i had pointed it, where i had been avoiding it. x

Hey Gwen,
I think that i do lose weight more quickly if i avoid carbs. I did the atkins diet in 2010 and lost 3 stone in three months but put it all straight back on and more once I stopped the diet.
So I like WW as I can have a bit of everything, but when I need to focus I can cut out the carbs for a few days.
Having said that I have just had a huge bowl of no point soup and a slice of toast.
But still only had 8 points so far today.
Emms x
Hi em, I'm just fed up of being like this and just want to b normal. It's stupid but im having my hair cut tomorrow and it's thinking about wot to do wiv my hair thats set me off. I keep changing, long, short, blonde, dark and it's because I never like myself no matter wot I have dun. U can't polish a turd eh!! Anyway enuf about me, u sound like uve done amazing this week. Keep my fingers crossed for wi tom for ya xxxx
Hey Gwen,
I think that i do lose weight more quickly if i avoid carbs. I did the atkins diet in 2010 and lost 3 stone in three months but put it all straight back on and more once I stopped the diet.
So I like WW as I can have a bit of everything, but when I need to focus I can cut out the carbs for a few days.
Having said that I have just had a huge bowl of no point soup and a slice of toast.
But still only had 8 points so far today.
Emms x

Well done you ive just been out for pub grub but only used a few weeklies as usual and have been good all wk so heres hoping for a small loss tues. I think ill give the carbs thing a go this wk and see how i go. Ill have fingers crossed for you or tomorrow x x
Hiya emma welcome to the gang. You can defo do your stone for xmas :) thank god i hve no xmas parties to worry about or actually is that sad lol but dreading my ww class finishing cos it ill be nearly 2 wks between wi and im terrified ill go off the rails big time. Ill have to come on here regularly for a bum kicking :) good luck this wk hope its a good wk x x

arr but u could also see it as good thing, it could give u a real good kick start if u lost weight in both weeks and when u went to your wi you could have lost double! ! i dont have any xmas parties and i am so glad! ive got xmas dinner, boxing day dinner and new years dinner, and the only thing ill be having on it that i dont normally have is roast potatoesand pugs in blankets. So im hoping ill be ok! we shall see!

lisa xx
Hi em, I'm just fed up of being like this and just want to b normal. It's stupid but im having my hair cut tomorrow and it's thinking about wot to do wiv my hair thats set me off. I keep changing, long, short, blonde, dark and it's because I never like myself no matter wot I have dun. U can't polish a turd eh!! Anyway enuf about me, u sound like uve done amazing this week. Keep my fingers crossed for wi tom for ya xxxx

Ah gail chin up . I know exactly how you feel but keep going. Its so hard when you see anyone else eating what they like and youre watching every mouthful but think how you will feel at goal. Just take it pound by pound. Get something totally different done to your hair and you will feel like a new woman ready to take on the world. Huge hugs x x x
arr but u could also see it as good thing, it could give u a real good kick start if u lost weight in both weeks and when u went to your wi you could have lost double! ! i dont have any xmas parties and i am so glad! ive got xmas dinner, boxing day dinner and new years dinner, and the only thing ill be having on it that i dont normally have is roast potatoesand pugs in blankets. So im hoping ill be ok! we shall see!

lisa xx

Yeah thats my plan is to have my nice dinner on xmas day and thank god i dont eat desserts or cakes and the same stephens day and then back on track , well thats the plan anyway hopefully it works for us both x x
Hi em, I'm just fed up of being like this and just want to b normal. It's stupid but im having my hair cut tomorrow and it's thinking about wot to do wiv my hair thats set me off. I keep changing, long, short, blonde, dark and it's because I never like myself no matter wot I have dun. U can't polish a turd eh!! Anyway enuf about me, u sound like uve done amazing this week. Keep my fingers crossed for wi tom for ya xxxx

Ah Honey, I know exactly what you mean. I've been avoiding the hairdressers cos I'm never happy - nothing they an do will ever make me look like I want to look. But sometimes a good hairdo can make you feel special. So treat yourself honey go for the glam factor!!
Will be thinking of you!

Emms xx

PS - have a look at the picture I've just put on my profile page - my 'before' picture. Every time i look at it i could cry. That's is why i am so determined this time.
Keep smiling honey! :D
It wud take a lot more than a haircut to make me feel special! I get so annoyed wiv myself cos I want this so much but just can't do it. Ur b4 picture is beautiful and ur after picture will b 2. U will just have more of a sparkle in ur eye on ur after one!!! X
Can I just ask how you guys get the silver seven on your signature? I've got one and am hoping to get my second tomorrow!

Emms x