One stone at a time target/challenge.

Can I just ask how you guys get the silver seven on your signature? I've got one and am hoping to get my second tomorrow!

Emms x

If you are on a laptop just right click and copy the seven on mine then go to edit signature and paste x x
Come on Gail, you are gorgeous just the way you are but I know you won't listen to me or anyone else. How do I know? Cos we're so alike. Lol. I too am avin my hair cut tues & I too an tempted to go short bob & dark like my facebook pic, why? Cos I looked happier then, but wasn't. No matter what we do, or eat , or look like we still won't be happy. I think we're lookin for something that doesn't really exist & we need to be happy with how we are. I've had the shittiest eatin week ever & feel like I've put on half stone. Im so mad wi my self but still eating like a pig. I just have no control. We can either start again tomorrow & try & get thru this together or we can carry on as we are & feel more depressed when it comes to goin out when we've got nothing to wear. I'm gonna try SF one day this week, why don't you join me? :) xxxx Kay
I'm sooooooooo frustrated wiv myself! This always happens wen I've been out cos I feel so guilty! Ur rite Kay, woteva anyone says wen ur in this frame doesn't make any difference. We've still got 2 weeks to try r best so let's go for it! Can't decide whether to try sf or not. Mite do it for a day and c how I get on xxxx
Gail u are stunning - gorgeous smile and lovely eyes ... I like the short blonde in the pic :) we will all get out confidence - 2012 will be our year :) hugs to all!

Lisa - it is painful but it's not that bad... Do it :) x
Hi em, I'm just fed up of being like this and just want to b normal. It's stupid but im having my hair cut tomorrow and it's thinking about wot to do wiv my hair thats set me off. I keep changing, long, short, blonde, dark and it's because I never like myself no matter wot I have dun. U can't polish a turd eh!! Anyway enuf about me, u sound like uve done amazing this week. Keep my fingers crossed for wi tom for ya xxxx

Aww hun, you have my number you should have text/phoned ! But speaking like you have above (can't polish a turd) you really have to stop belittling yourself like that hun, as all it does is re-inforce that you are actually that, think positive hunny, I know its a crap saying, but if you are constantly beating yourself up, how are you ever going to get anywhere ? More positive words please!

Come on Gail, you are gorgeous just the way you are but I know you won't listen to me or anyone else. How do I know? Cos we're so alike. Lol. I too am avin my hair cut tues & I too an tempted to go short bob & dark like my facebook pic, why? Cos I looked happier then, but wasn't. No matter what we do, or eat , or look like we still won't be happy. I think we're lookin for something that doesn't really exist & we need to be happy with how we are. I've had the shittiest eatin week ever & feel like I've put on half stone. Im so mad wi my self but still eating like a pig. I just have no control. We can either start again tomorrow & try & get thru this together or we can carry on as we are & feel more depressed when it comes to goin out when we've got nothing to wear. I'm gonna try SF one day this week, why don't you join me? :) xxxx Kay

As I said at ww meeting this week, sometimes we really feel that we have had a bad week, but in reality we have not... snack it track it, bite it write it... your words (I think) :)

Gail u are stunning - gorgeous smile and lovely eyes ... I like the short blonde in the pic :) we will all get out confidence - 2012 will be our year :) hugs to all!

Lisa - it is painful but it's not that bad... Do it :) x

err I'll think about it ! Really too scared !

Lisa xx
Hi !

Just had a thought, after reading Gails self loathing post (above)

How about we all write something everyday (if possible) about something postive about ourselfs, it can be anything from spending time with your kids to having a really good day diet wise, or doing that bit of exercise when we really didn't want to....

From tomorrow, this is something that I plan to do.. ! because we are great !

Lisa xx
CarlyLanky140 said:
Gail u are stunning - gorgeous smile and lovely eyes ... I like the short blonde in the pic :) we will all get out confidence - 2012 will be our year :) hugs to all!

Lisa - it is painful but it's not that bad... Do it :) x

What's painful & not that bad? Feel like im missin summat & can't find it xxx
Cobra said:
Hi !

Just had a thought, after reading Gails self loathing post (above)

How about we all write something everyday (if possible) about something postive about ourselfs, it can be anything from spending time with your kids to having a really good day diet wise, or doing that bit of exercise when we really didn't want to....

From tomorrow, this is something that I plan to do.. ! because we are great !

Lisa xx

Good idea, glad I've got all day to think about it x
What's painful & not that bad? Feel like im missin summat & can't find it xxx

Implant to stop you getting pregnant... Carly just had hers re-done and I should have had mine re=done in April 2010 ! but Im scared :(

Good idea, glad I've got all day to think about it x

Dont be bloody daft woman !

Im sure once we all get into the habit of looking at positive things than negative the easier it will get

"Every thought is a seed. If you plant crab apples, don't count on harvesting Golden Delicious".

HaPpY MoNdAy !!

Lisa xx
Hi !

Just had a thought, after reading Gails self loathing post (above)

How about we all write something everyday (if possible) about something postive about ourselfs, it can be anything from spending time with your kids to having a really good day diet wise, or doing that bit of exercise when we really didn't want to....

From tomorrow, this is something that I plan to do.. ! because we are great !

Lisa xx

Hey Lisa (and everyone else!) i love this idea! I can think of something good to say about you lot - You all keep coming back and supporting me and each other here - not many people would find time for that so big hugs, applause and smiles all round for you all!! :clap:

My weigh in in half an hour - can't wait - hoping to get my stone award tonight!

Emms xx
Come on emms you can do it xxxx
Well today has been a day from hell. People ringing tellin me they not received an email I went to the trouble of sending on thurs. Students not turning up to college. Avin to do someone else's job at work cos they gone to pizza hut wi students. Then pick kids up from MIL only to find she's bought ME a big wheel type thing that's made from Danish pastry stuff but bit christmassy. She says"apparently it's nicer than harrods" AND? then she's also made me a Xmas cake & bought tiger bread. It's like fatties & feeders. I had to bite my Tongue cos the mood im in I wud of bit her head off & been nasty. Then come home to pile of pots that lard arse couldn't be bothered to do last night, walk dog & take Zak swimming. I've not stopped for drink all day. Oh & I'm starting wi cold. Oh & also I walk past some students on corridor & heard 1 say "she's an old woman I saw her face" now it may not of been bout me but when your feelin crap anyway paranoia sets in. Ssssssoooooo moan over, movin forward the tiger bread is goin to the horse tomorrow, the wheel that's " better than harrods" is going to students Xmas bake tomorrow & the Xmas cake is staying wrapped in cling film till I chuck it in bin. Food wise I've had
Porridge 4pp
Bagel & Philly 7pp
I'm now starving & ready for tea which is a tuna wrap & jkt potato 12pp.
Today the best thing about me is I CAN resist a wheel thats "better than harrods".
Hey Lisa (and everyone else!) i love this idea! I can think of something good to say about you lot - You all keep coming back and supporting me and each other here - not many people would find time for that so big hugs, applause and smiles all round for you all!! :clap:

My weigh in in half an hour - can't wait - hoping to get my stone award tonight!

Emms xx

Good luck fingers crossed x x
Well one kay. You have had a dreadful day and fair play to you you re still getting rid of all the food. Someone got their mojo back. I defo think your mil is a feeder lol i doubt the kids were talking about you but i know the feeling of reading into stuff. Good day foodwise for you today . Good luck for tomorrow x x x
Well positive thing for me today is I finally plucked upbthe courage to ring and make an appointment at the doc for something which has been worrying me for a good while . :):)
Goose1 said:
Well positive thing for me today is I finally plucked upbthe courage to ring and make an appointment at the doc for something which has been worrying me for a good while . :):)

It's never easy makin that appointment. Just make sure you GO. I always find after I've made an appointment the thing that I'm goin for either doesn't seem as bad or disappears. Lol xxxxkayxxx
It's never easy makin that appointment. Just make sure you GO. I always find after I've made an appointment the thing that I'm goin for either doesn't seem as bad or disappears. Lol xxxxkayxxx

I know i was going to leave it till after xmas but its been worrying me dreadfully the last few days and i know it will ruin xmas if i dont go cos ive been so narky the last few days. I doubt ill get answers tomorrow as ill more than likely need tests but at least ive aken the first step x x
Can I just tell you bout my tea?
Tuna 2pp mixed with 1/2 jar salsa & spring onions chopped. Get warby wrap 4pp cut in half, share mixture between 2 halves & roll. Mix 35g Philly with pinch of cumin & tbsp milk 1pp. Spread on wraps & bake at 180deg for 20 min or so. Scrumdiddlyocious xxxxkayxxx
Sounds yumm. We cant get those wraps here. They seem to work with everything. Dont be tempted by the wheel thing after lol :):):)
Goose1 said:
Sounds yumm. We cant get those wraps here. They seem to work with everything. Dont be tempted by the wheel thing after lol :):):)

I'm determined it's gonna college tomorrow. I've put it at side of door for when I leave in the morning. Could I send you some? You really are missing something special xxx
Ah you are very kind thank you. Im going up to the north of ireland shopping next wk and hope to get some up there in sainsburys or the like . Thanks a mill for even thinking of it. I have tears in my eyes now. Im such a whingebag :)