Petition for restaurants to have to show nutritional info


Repeat Offender
A girl on MFP has started a petition to try and get large food chains in the UK to HAVE to give nutritional info on their foods. I know I back this after finding how surprisingly high a lot of foods are in places like wetherspoons or carveries, much higher than I would have estimated. I know that for those of us trying to lose weight, it would be a big help to have that info. So if you could sign it and pass it on to others that would be great!

Large Restaurants to provide Nutritional Information by Law - e-petitions
It would be useful if the bigger chains did this.

A lot of places in America do - my friend was horrified to find that his starter of chicken wings and salad had a whopping 1100 calories! Nearly as many as I eat in a whole day!
Exactly! I've been amazed at the calories in some things. Wetherspoons beans on toast is somehow like 600 calories!
I disagree personally. It helps people make informed decisions and choices. If I knew that Whetherspoons' beans on toast was 529 calories or their burger meal (no cheese, bacon etc) is 1207 calories then I wouldn't ever order either of those again. And now I won't and don't. When I go in there I pick something that I still want and like but isn't almost my entire days calories. I don't think it makes people obsess too much, it helps make people overweight.
i think it would be a nightmare for independent restaurants but i think the larger chains should be encouraged to do it.
Yeah, that's what the petition is saying. Large chains should. I know it's a big ask for small restaurants, especially as they're meals are more likely to vary each time. There's no mass production!
i completely agree and i have signed it!

this is something that i feel very strongly about...

i get so frustrated when i try to order the healthiest possible meals when i eat out, like veggies instead of fries etc....then i am horrified when the veggies arrive on my plate smothered in butter or some other kind of unhelathy dressing.

i might as well have had the fries after all!

now i always check when i place my order so that i am aware of the hidden unhealthy stuff...

i was also quite dissapointed when i read online that even the big companies that list their nutritional info on their menus are allowed by the goverment to be up to 20% innacurate!.....i think thats about right, i am going from memory here...

i know there has to be room to allow for variations in portion sizes etc, but if you didnt know this fact it could send you way over your allowance for the day...

rant over!!!
Exactly! I've been amazed at the calories in some things. Wetherspoons beans on toast is somehow like 600 calories!

Yep, can of beans is roughly 400 cals, and 100 odd in a slice of bread.
Yep, can of beans is roughly 400 cals, and 100 odd in a slice of bread.

I have beans on toast sometimes and I've never had it be as much as 600 calories. Isn't like they give you a whole tin of beans anyway!