pizza hut! oh no! confession (also iky)


Gold Member
please forgive me as i have sinned.

Was in manchester shopping center yesterday and we ended up in pizza hut! I know it was terrible and unplanned but there u go!

I took my tablet anyway and had the tomato mozzarella pasta, some natchos and a quater of a slice of thing based margarita pizza. (it was horrible so only had one bite)

Anyway, the punshment came as soon as i got back home.. not the following day (well i hope not the following day) Was very dark oil (sorry for being iky) i think it was the cheese...

Has anyone else have dark coloured oil not orange?
yes i had teeny weeny piece of cheese last week and few hours later dark oil not alot though:eek::eek:
At least you got home before it happened!

Have you learnt your lesson ??!!
In my bad week last week I was tangoed three times and got three different results. Pale yellow oily, orange oily and dark dark orange oily (almost brown). Yuck, not nice.

I daren't go to Pizza Hut as I can't think of anything I could have barr the salad. Now whilst that is ok I begrudge paying what they ask for it.
Ur right gals pizza hut was not worth it! having said that i dont get the punishment as bad as some people. I hav eonly ever had 2 accidents and both times have been small accidents and in a controlled environment! lolz

Althought i had a half fat cheese slice in a weight watchers bagel this morning and it was yummy... im feeling sick again today.