please please please

Where in the Midlands are you from MsB?

I hate the rain and snow too - but it IS winter....lets hope we get a great summer this year to make up for it eh?

originally the black country, rowley regis - although I have also lived in solihull (shirley) and near stratford on avon (bidford on avon) and Holland!

now in Devon :D think I will settle here (at last!!)
Small world - I live near Shirley (in Monkspath) and used to live in Oldbury (Black Country outskirt!!!)

Love Bidford - we drive to my OH's parents as they live in a little village outside Evesham (near Honeybourne!!)

Have you a strong accent....!?! sorry to hijack the weather thread....! x
nah I aye lost me acent much reaalley, yaw can still tell I lived near dudleay cor ya... are!