Poetry kandy style !

I think they're great, Kandy!!! :D

Someone get this lady an agent!!!
kandy said:
Thank you most kindly !

At this point i feel i should point out that this is based on an unfortunate evening a 'friend' *cough cough ahem* of mine had many many years ago !!!!!!!!

Pssssttt .........and the ending is all true lol !!!!!!

The BEST bit!! :cool:
Thank you for your kind comments i thought i would write another one i wrote this when for obvious reasons i couldnt get no sleep !

Hope you like it :D


The neighbours are home from there saturday night out
His curses are flowing, shes blowing her top
It's pizzing me off so why won't they stop

A loud cry of 'bastard' and then without warning
A window is smashed, early hours of the morning
A crowd has amassed outside the front door
Watching and jering as he gives her what for

Now out in the garden with fists and feet flying
curtains are twictching as the neighbours are spying
Now so tired , theyr'e bruised and battered
It's six in the morning and i am totally shattered

She's hurt that he hit her , so weak so defenceless
So another half hour while he shags her senseless
now 7 am and i cant hear a peek
peace at last well , until this time next week ! :)
LOL Kandy - I just love the way your poetry scans!!! You've got a real feel for it, hun! And it's just so darn FUNNY, hunny!

Clever ol' you!!