Extra Easy pregnant


Can anyone tell me anything about Slimming world and pregnancy. I don't know much information at all.
I've been a target member since xmas and just weighed in again as Target last week.
Should I follow the plan the same, or be paying once I go out of Target?
I don't think that they could charge you for being out of your target range of you're pregnant! Ask your consultant though
Hmmm interesting I can ask my consultant on monday if you don't have an answer by then. I was pondering this for the future the other day. My consultant is the regional manager and has been a c for 15 years so I'm sure she'll know!
I'm pretty sure if you go out of target no matter he reason you have to pay until you get back into range. you also need to get your midwives permission to do sw while pregnant, think the consultants have a form but not certain! There is a pregnancy sticky thread and I'm sure the lovely ladies in the will be more help than I can be! X
Thank-you I haven't came across that thread. But I will look for it now. My consultant is fairly new, so I think I'm her first pregnant lady