

is a naughty girl...
I am the only person that hasn't been able to get on this site all day? how am I meant to waste my time at work?!

Hope you all had a fantastic weekend :D
Nope - it was down for a while - i got LOADS done :)
Haha no it was offline for a bit. I had palpitations and everything
Lol yep I couldnt get online either!
My housework got done cos it was off!!!
Nope I think there as a few of us in the same boat, it just goes to show that we can't do without this
I didn't sleep last night so when I couldn't get on here at lunchtime I went back to bed. Got up and it's fixed. (Wish that had happened with my car too.)
LOL we all hgave such addictive personalities... I was gutted too this morning. But its all good now I have my fix!