Question about the smash pizza


Full Member
Morning ladies and gents

I've got a quick question about the smash pizza, I've never made one before but fancy giving it ago.

I was wondering if I can make it in advance and re-heat it when we're ready to eat it. Or even just make and bake the base in advance and then just put the topping on when we're ready?

Sorry if this is a silly question!

Thank you! x
good morning Ive made smash pizza before and it stores well if you cut it up and put it in a tupperware. You can re heat is just a couple of minutes. Same goes if you want to store the base on it's own but you would need enough space in your fridge to keep it whole until you need it - otherwise things could get messy if you try to add topping to small individual pieces !
Yes - I've done this before. But I make the base quite thin and cripsy (really doesn't taste like mash at all :p)

I usually put a bit of tomatoe puree on (rather than passatta - although 1 syn) because it's thicker, easier to spread and seems to keep in the fridge better (without going soggy :p)

I make the pizza base and the passatta.. and then later add the toppings and just grill it .. you don't need to cook it anymore.. putting it in the oven just makes it cripsy and taste less like smash :p

Hope you have fun making it - it's one of my faves on a green day!
I make mine with ketchup, I find tomato puree too harsh. I am currently addicted to smash pizza and would make it now if I wasn't having it for dinner tonight too!
Thank you for your replies.

We've just had it for dinner and it was lush, although next time we will try to roll the base a bit thinner and probably add more passata or puree. It was nice though and I think it will be a good one to take to work for lunch so it's good to know it can be prepared in advance and then reheated or finished off at the last minute.

Thank you!!
