Question for Any Cd Counsellor - re add a meal once a week instead of every 4 weeks?


Gold Member
OOOh that was a long title lol

someone posted yesterday, or may have been the day before! Saying that their counsellor had said they could have a meal once a week rather than a whole week when it's aam? Is that common practice?

Just wondering! Nothing to do with the fact that I'm cooking a nice bit of turkey for the kids dinner tonight! :p
Hi Geri

I have some clients who prefer to do it this way - from the simple desire to have 'one night off'. It can work but (a) you need to be very disciplined about what you have; (b) you have to get back on track the very next day; (c) it can affect your rate of loss.

If you can take all of those considerations into account, it may be something that works for you :)
Ooooooh DQ thanks for your reply....

After I had written that, I could hear my counsellors voice in my head saying, ' What is it you're realling asking?' hahahahah I've been brainwashed I tell ya!

The answer to you question is probably 'no' which is why I should stay well away!

Just notice your glitter thingy, bloody ell day 18, that is a hell of an acheivement girlie - I'm just 11 days behind ya!
Have to confess I wondered if one meal a week would be ok as a substitute...... but a little worried it would be like most do attending a slimming club, take-out after weigh-in. Dangerous........ but tempting :( ;)
Lol Lesley I remember those days :D

I remember going to a slimming club,( can't remember which one as there have been to so many:eek: ), with my Auntie Vee. She'd be wearing her summer dress in the middle of winter hahahah so her clothes wouldnt weigh much!:D. Then we'd go for an Indian, or get a take away and have it at her house :) . My Uncle (her hubby) when he's remiminsing (sp) often tells stories about it. She was soo funny :p

Right ok an update on my question.... I have had the turkey and some cabbage, a bit risky I know for me, but am not gonna have anything else, apart from a choclate muffin later.
Lol Lesley I remember those days :D

I remember going to a slimming club,( can't remember which one as there have been to so many:eek: ), with my Auntie Vee. She'd be wearing her summer dress in the middle of winter hahahah so her clothes wouldnt weigh much!:D. Then we'd go for an Indian, or get a take away and have it at her house :) . My Uncle (her hubby) when he's remiminsing (sp) often tells stories about it. She was soo funny :p

Hi Geri,

I know some still do it here after weigh in with WW!!!

"We know who you are":D I better not say anymore:eek:
I have a customer - sure Marie will be along later - & she has chicken & salad once or twice a week. She finds it keeps her going raher than knowing she has to go without.

I think on this diet we have to do whatever works best for us individually. I know I would not have been able to do it her way - just as she can't do it mine!!!

CDC Swindon
Hi, I've done this since I started and averaged a stone a month loss. I may have lost faster without, but then again I don't think I would have stuck to it.

I did AAM week when I had people visiting and there is a big diff between the two. AAM week is much easier and very nice and gives you confidence that you can eat normally when you get get to target.

On the once a week thing, the next day is very tough and it's almost like starting SS every week. It also doesn't give you the break from food that a lot of people find helpful.

Well have to say, my plan yesterday didn't go quite how I had planned! Nuff said, i won't be doing it again...