Question for SS+ers or a CDC


Full Member
I had my SS+ meal for lunch today as it was a ladies birthday at work and we all went out, i have only had my bar today and that one meal, i may have ate a little too much as im used to quorn weight not real chicken, so i am still not hungry and have 2 poridges left would it be better only having one (just in case i did have too much chicken) or should i have two regardless.



I think you should still have the packs as you have to make sure you are getting all your daily nutrients. I've had extra chicken loads of times and it hasnt made any difference. As long as you have an extra couple of glasses of water to flush it through, i'm sure you will be fine.
Plus, well done sticking to it whilst out for a birthday lunch.
Yes, you do need your other 2 CD meals.