Quick, healthy breakfasts? Healthy lunches for work?


Repeat Offender
I'm back to school next week (teacher) which means I have to completely rethink food. Though, in all honesty, I've not done too great lately so need to rethink food anyway! I've decided to just try and eat healthily and exercise and see how that goes.

I'm rubbish at breakfast, mostly because I don't like to get out of bed earlier to leave time for breakfast! Though I will be making sure I do have time for breakfast when I go back, I don't want to just have the usual cereal or bagel that I ended up having most days when I did have breakfast. So any suggestions of breakfasts that are quick to make but nice and healthy and will keep me going until lunch time?

Also, lunches. I always ended up having a salad or cous cous pretty much every day and quite frankly, it gets boring too! So any suggestions of good lunches for school/work? We have a fridge and (I think) a microwave too.