
OK, that's two reasons, and I understand both of them. Thank you both.

Purple Star, it's a pity you are put off chicken by what they do to rotisserie chicken - I couldn't manage without chicken as a low-fat form of protein, but I always buy free-range and cook it myself.

I know it sounds completely rediculous, especially given I have never once eaten that rotisserie stuff. But it just brought it home to me that there is such 'interference' with meat products. But of course I suppose you could say the same about veggies, they are also 'interfered' with, and I struggle to afford organic so don't always buy it.

Another thing that put me off, was a girl in here is coeliac, and she said she lifted a pack of fresh turkey breasts in m&S and just by chance noticed it said it contained gluten. I mean what on earth did they do to it to make it contain gluten, it was meant to just be plain fresh turkey breasts, not breaded or anything. So that put me off too.

I need to stop worrying so much or I will have nothing left to eat - lol.
For me it's a matter of convenience- Quorn forms a handy substitute for meat in recipes and gives a lot of variety to a vegetarian diet. It's also low-fat and a good source of protein for veggies, which is one of the main reasons I choose to eat it- if I had to get all my protein from eggs and cheese, life would be pretty boring! :)
I'm a veggie & eat quorn so I can get protein in my diet. I only use the mince, pieces & sausages don't like the other products in the range. Back to the original question - yes they do leave me rather windy or perhaps it's just that I ate 6 at the BBQ last nite ha ha x
It's not just wind it's really bad pains, I suppose it's just as likely to have an allergy to Quorn as it is to say, wheat?
I have worked out the sausages and meatballs are ok with me....the other products ie: the bacon style pieces etc just dont agree with me.....weird??:confused:
hubby and me love quorn, we try only eating meat once a week. and then as a suppa out. quorn, is great for pies, curries, chillies. great filler and lost of protein.

had on a look on the net for reasons why quorn could make some ill, or leaving feeling blottered and sick.

it could be the "mycoprotein" What is Mycoprotein
I'm another that can't eat the bacon pieces. I've tried lots of Quorn and it's all been fine, but the bacon pieces just disagree!