Re - starting day one!

Its a right pain isnt it!!!! I wish i didnt have to cater for my family - it makes me realise how weak i am! Not even eating coz im hungry, eating just because its there - old habits never die!!!
That's not the saying.... It's old habits die hard,,, see they can be killed!!

I cook huby things that I don't like, so I'm not tempted :)
FeeneyFooFoo said:
That's not the saying.... It's old habits die hard,,, see they can be killed!!

I cook huby things that I don't like, so I'm not tempted :)

Unfortunately i like everything!!!!!! Lol and my 2 yr old is bit of a pain with tea so its always something i like.... He always leaves a bit and for some reason i cant throw it away without shovelling in a spoonful or 2! I frustrate myself so much but hey ho - have still shifted the pounds with the cheating but im prob never in ketosis :(
I'm sure you will be :)

I've heard of people shoving left overs straight in the bin & putting washing up liquid on the so they can't touch them?

Ours go in the dog - he's happy for them :)
Thats what my cdc just go straight tobthe bin - half the time the foods already in my mouth before iv even realised!! I need to try harder, iv been hovering around the 13st mark for 3 weeks and im desperate to see a 12stone something. Im hoping for a big loss next monday due to my ss restart, anything upward of 4lbs il b pretty happy as goodbye 13s!!
Kick up the but and no more picking!!!!! Rarrr :)
I weighed in at 13.6 this morning, so would love to see the 12's really soon too ;) race ya!!!
I wouldnt b atall suprised if you beat me im useless!! I weighed in at 13st 1 on friday... But have most prob put on a couple due to my weekend. Shouldve weighed in today really.... Will be weighed on thursday so will see what happens there!!
But its nice to see someone around the same as me - u could b good for me!!!!
:) let's b good for each other ;)

I weigh in on Fridays so we can compare, I've never had a mega huge loss like some people 6lb is my biggest ever week, but I was over the moon!!!

I'm more a steady 2-3 lb a week - but as long as it comes off I'm happy :)
Well done ladies for getting through day 1. I survived in tact and starting day 2... Had a very dodgy tummy this morning and can feel the start of the headaches.... Just have to get through the next few days and I'll be grand, they feel like very long days though ; )
Morning all :)

Day two - woke up feeling good :) expecting a tough day though, will take headache tablets to work just in case.

I feel really 'In control' long may it continue :)
FeeneyFooFoo said:
:) let's b good for each other ;)

I weigh in on Fridays so we can compare, I've never had a mega huge loss like some people 6lb is my biggest ever week, but I was over the moon!!!

I'm more a steady 2-3 lb a week - but as long as it comes off I'm happy :)

Similar to me really... My biggest loss was a 7lber and since then its been 2-4lbs a week.
Gonna b 100% today even if it kills me!!!! Woke up feelin good - not hungry yet so will have first shake about 9ish, hopefully the weather will brighten up so's i can get out with the boys.
Happy 2nd day everyone :) x
Morning all ive restarted today after god nows how many failures but good news after wi is im still 2 stone lighter than when i started nov 10. I no i could have got goal in that time but im not going to beat myself up about it. Time to move on and downwards.

Good luck to all you day two'ers it can be done. Water water water xxxxxx
Well done mumto1, so many people would have piled on loads coming off plan -i did 3 yrs ago!!! Its a drastic diet but its not forever huh!!! Iv just had nearly 3 weeks off plan - and yea i only lost 4lbs but goes to show that weight loss or maintenance after shakes can be achieved!!! And i wasnt even that strict on the weekends!!
Ive set myself a target that once i get to goal im only aloud to fluctuate 4lbs heavier - no more than that!!!!!! My cdc lives at the end of my road so she'll never b far if i need her in the future :)
Good luck on your first day x
Hows everyones day been!? Mines been ok couldve been better but nothing too serious!! Grumpy and headachey but not much new there!!!! X
Hi all,

How are we doing??

I went out with our a bar yesterday :( do had some chicken instead.

100% day one & 3 so far..,

Not sure my heads in the right place, would happily go off track right now :(

Trying to 'fake it' til I 'make it' at the mo
FeeneyFooFoo said:
Hi all,

How are we doing??

I went out with our a bar yesterday :( do had some chicken instead.

100% day one & 3 so far..,

Not sure my heads in the right place, would happily go off track right now :(

Trying to 'fake it' til I 'make it' at the mo

Hey foo!! Hmmm ok.. Still havent had any 100% days?! 2day 4 haribo sweets plus a bite of a sausage (dnt even like sausages!!!) then a mouthful of cottage pie mince. Stupid weigh in tomoro but i wana leave it til monday then its been a proper 7day week, will ask my cdc.
Found the perfect target dress today!! Im so tempted to buy it in a 12, tried the 14 on which was a bit tight.. But i want it for my bday in 7 weeks so i dunno what size to get?!?!!! I think im in denial to think il b at a 12 on my bday as i cant stick to the bloody diet properly!!!! X
You 'could' be a 10 for your birthday if you stuck with it!!

7 weeks is nearly 2 months, and at a stone a month it's possible ;)

Keep going & that dress may well be a bit big ;)

So far so good for me today :) weigh in tomorrow defo helps focus me, seems silly cheating so close to weigh day x
FeeneyFooFoo said:
You 'could' be a 10 for your birthday if you stuck with it!!

7 weeks is nearly 2 months, and at a stone a month it's possible ;)

Keep going & that dress may well be a bit big ;)

So far so good for me today :) weigh in tomorrow defo helps focus me, seems silly cheating so close to weigh day x

I know but i know myself too welll :( im a nightmare!! Saw my cdc today but decided against the weigh in and will b popping to her monday morn for it so i can have a proper 7 day w.i
She said i looked slimmer than 3 wks ago tho but i guess she would say that! Lol! So im all kitted out til next thursday yay lol!!! X
Thank you :) had a sneaky peak this morning (all good)

How's everyone else getting on???

Are you still with me?

Are you restarting again next Monday ;)
