Re - starting day one!

Still on plan :) i just decided not to get weighed yesterday i wanted my first weigh in after the full 7 days so im gonna see her just to get weighed 9am monday morning :)
Keep us posted with results :)
Well official weigh in 13.1 - 5 lb in 5 days :)

V pleased :)

Afternoon all, how r we?!?! Im starvingg ??? No idea why so tonight im havin 200cal dinner! I need it or im gonna order a pizza lol! Xx
Hi ladies, hope you dont mind me joining you-today is my first day! Feel fine so far, had a strawberry shake and just had the oriental chilli soup, which was actually quite filling!

How much have you all lost, and how long have you been doing this? Think I'd like to lose just over 4 stone xx
Hi delta! Well done on makin the choice :) u wont regret it!!
I did it for nearly 9 weeks and lost just over 2 st, had a 2.5 week break and now im back starting again!! Im not certain how much i weigh right now, approx between 13st 1 and 13st 3 at beginning of this week?!! I started ar 15st 6. Want another stone and a half off by september x
Thanks littlemumma, you're doing so well! Hope I manage it too!

Didn't really struggle much yesterday-went to a BBQ resisted both food & wine, without really even being bothered! Had the porridge this morning & don't know if I made it wrong but the texture was horrible!! Forced myself to eat it though!! Have now locked myself upstairs as the OH is making himself bacon & eggs :(

Good luck with the week ahead!
I hate the porridge!!!! Bleurgh and the soups!! I only have 4 flavour shakes i like and 2 bars!!! Well done for your motivation with the temptation! I wasnt too good yesterday :(
But had weigh in this morning and..... 12st 11 woooooop im in the 12s! Thats a 4 or 5lb loss so im happpppyyy xxx
Yay!!! Well done!! So pleased for you!! Keep it up!!

Tried the other flavour porridge this morning & it was vile too, so have returned them & replaced them with shakes! Day 3 & I haven't really struggles too badly, though I've heard that day 4 is horrible?! Must keep busy!!!
How are you going littlemumma? Lost 10lbs in first week, but stressing now that it's going to stop moving!!
Wow delta!!! Good job!!! Am ok.... Slight cheat tonight grrrr!!! I was 12st 9 monday :( hoping the 2lbs was down to totm and hoping monday could bring a 4lb loss?? Fingers crossed!!!
How are you going littlemumma? Lost 10lbs in first week, but stressing now that it's going to stop moving!!

Congrats on your brilliant 1st week's loss - a great motivation for you going into week 2

It will keep coming off as long as you stay focused.

Good luck x