Reached a magic number

Saturday 1st November 2008

Feels like it's slowed down a bit, but if I remind myself by looking at my spreadsheet of where I was and when (yes, I'm that sad), it still looks good.
Can't quite believe this one.
Had to use the scales in four different positions with 3 readings taken each time just to verify it.
Sunday 2nd November 2008.


That almost explains the previous slowdown. Things stagnated for a couple of weeks there, then seem to be moving again.
Just goes to show you how important it is to stick with it. It'll come good eventually.
Still avoiding having a final concrete target. The amount of fat which remains will be my decider. When all the excess has gone, then I'll have reached target. It just verifies that there was actually a tall and quite scrawny bloke hiding inside the big hulky bloke.
Saturday 8th November


Did have a very good day yesterday. Willpower had to be cast iron and I held out in difficult circumstances. :cool:
Sunday 16th November 2008. 5.30am

187.6lbs, so we'll call that 188lbs.

That seemed like a slow one to lose, but a pound a week is as it should be, so I'm happy with that along with the waist size reduction - now down from a 40 to a 34.

Couldn't be more pleased - where does all of this energy come from. :D
Sunday 23rd November, 187lbs.
Clearly things are slowing down a bit now the closer I get to a natural weight where I should be anyway.
It still isn't hard work, avoid biscuits, crisps, sweets and takeaways. That's about it.

All the best folks. :)
Life is very strange. I haven't been particularly good this week. As I get nearer target, I am being a little less hard on myself. Still avoiding eating rubbish, but being a bit less hardline with my general intake. Not eating too much, but not starving either.

Today'd weight. 183lbs.

That's a 4lb loss in six days.

Maybe eating a bit more has revved up my metabolism. changing routine / confusing metabolism perhaps ?

Anyway - most pleasing.

More importantly, before I weighed myself, I knew I had lost a bit, I just felt lighter, clothes felt a bit looser.

Monday 15th December - 179lbs.
It had slowed down for the last couple of weeks then all of a sudden from being stuck at 183lbs as above, yesterday it was 180-181 and today it's 179.
Varying my intake seems to work better than consistency for me.

Have a cool yule everyone :)
Thank you very much indeed.

Been a difficult few days.
Thursday - Christmas lunch with work. Three courses.
Thursday night - christmas dinner with a club I'm in. Three courses again.

Thursday night - Friday morning. Horrific indigestion.

Friday. Tea, toast, Alka Seltzer and Zantac.

Back on course again, phew.

Weight today, haven't a clue, but not bothered for a few days until things are back under control.

Thinking long term.

All the best

Been a long yime since I've posted.
Not been so strict with my diet of late, but it seems relatively easy to maintain somewhere between a minimum of 179lbs and a max of 183lbs.
That's not bad - I'm 6'2".
Maintaining is a bit less exciting than losing it in the first place, but no less satisfying.
Well done maintaining :) you're settled in a good bmi range :) Definately a success! :D

Hope you had a lovely Yule - although we're nearer spring solstice! lol
Thanks for all previous positive comments. It really makes such a difference.
Met up with some friends last week who hadn't seen me for around a year or so.
They were shocked - sufficiently that two of them immediately thought I was unwell because of the sheer amount of weight I had lost. Once I confirmed that it was intentional, they went to being delighted. That was a really really good day.

Anyway, where are we today ?

Let's have some before and afters.

Well that'll be constant at 6'2" :)

Before - maximum ever was 19.5 stone or 273lbs although when I started my weight loss attempt last July it was 245.

As fof today 175lbs or 12 1/2 stones.

(I like these ones even better.)
Waist - was 40" - now 32"
Shirt size - was 17 1/2" now 15".

Casual shirt / sweater size.
Was XL / XXL now medium.

As the old saying goes.
If I can do it, anyone can.

Next steps.
Getting a bike - the remaining loose bits will need exercised off.

Have also devised a relatively simple set of exercises to tone up all of those scrawny muscles which are now a bit more on show.

That's about it.
Happy Easter everyone.
How to awaken an old thread.
A two year old thread !

Current weight is 187 lbs. which might sound bad as its 12lbs heavier than my last post in this thread.
However, a lot of cycling has been done, I have a good bit more muscle and am much fitter. Still in a 34" waist.
Also, if I'm honest, I look healthier than I did at 12 1/2 stone.

Hope everyone's enjoying whatever regime they may be following.

All the best.