Realistic Goals


Full Member
Hi all,

I want to lost over 2 stone but I don't know what is a realistic and safe timescale. How much weight is it possible to lost per week do you think? Is 2 pounds a week hoping for too much?
Hi :) I think 2lb a week on average is realistic and healthy, I probably averaged that first time around (with lots of variations) and am aiming for that now that I'm back again. But just remember that your body will most likely not lose equally every week!
2lb a week is possible, but one problem with setting this as a goal is thinking about how you would feel if you 'only' lost 1lb.
I think that is realistic. And while you may have the odd week where you mighnt reach it, you know what they say, a target is too easy if you reach it all the time!:) (at least that's what I tell myself when I don't reach mine!:p)
Thats easy to resolve- don't aim for 2lb every week, aim for 8lb every 4 weekd. That way different losses can be accounted for.
thanks for your replies guys. I'm just worried I'll set a target and be really disappointed if I fail! 8lbs a month sounds like a really good plan, how many lbs are in a stone?! (I'm not good with imperial measurements but understand metric even less!) lx
14lbs in a stone. :)
ooooh that makes sense :) well, it doesn't really, but, you know...x