Really struggling


Full Member
This weekend has been a nightmare for me but today has been even worse!! My mouth is watering for food. I've no cravings just feel like I want to eat a massive meal. Any tips before I head to the cupboard for something? It's even a real struggle but so far I have resisted.
DON't DO IT!! Just think ow far you've come, you will only hate yourself if you weaken. If its any consolation, I'm feeling a bit fed up too and desperately want to eat something but I will not give into these demons. I'm doing far too well to be letting myself down in a moment of weakness. Have a nice hot cuppa, that's what I do, always helps.
Thanks Ms R I've just had a peppermint tea and feeling a little better. It's just getting me down to think that I have an other 6 weeks of no feed before I refeed for a few events and then back on to get to my target. X
Well I have another 13 weeks or more till I can eat so I do have symparhy, its rubbish BUT the results are amazing. Enjoy your peppermint tea, I'm also having one x
Well ideally is like to lose another 3 stone but I've 3 big events that I really can't get away without eating in 2 weeks if November so going to have to refeed for it!!
I am same. 46 days and I am really struggling today. Have just tried to keep myself busy. Only another 100 or so days to go! Just take one day at a time and remember how far you have come xx
Just take one day at a time, dnt worry about how many days u have left, be proud of yourself for just getting through each day! And remind ureself how awesome ull feel wen ure sexy n slim x