Returning to Slim Fast :)


Full Member
Hi there. I tried sf at the end of March but due to lots happening in my life at that time, I failed. So I am back to try again. Especially as I now have something to aim for. My sister in law is getting married at the beginning of October, and I am hoping to be at least 2 stone lighter.

6 years ago I lost 56lbs with WW, stayed at goal for a year. Then went to uni and put it all back on, and an extra stone just to do the job properly :(

I lost 19lbs with SW last year and have managed to keep it off. But I have struggled to lose anymore.

I started SW at 14 stone 6 (size 18)
I now weigh 13 stone 1 (size 14/16)
My goal weight is 9 stone 6 (size 10)

So I am going to try sf as a jump start, and then maybe join WW in a few months.
hey, Good luck

I too am returning to SF after a few months. It worked really well for me to start with but lots of things got in the way and I'm only now ready to come back to it.