Rosebug's Diary [back on the chain gang~]

Hopefully by adding some quorn and a low carb pita now and then I'll achieve a mid range and also feel like I'm treating myself a little. I was totally denying myself any low carb versions of food and keeping my carbs to around 10 - 15g a day so I'll aim for a proper 20 at least 4 days a week for now and keep an eye on the ketostix and also whether anything stalls me.

That soya and linseed bread is good stuff, I used to have it when I was trying out GI, too. A little higher carb than I want to do just now though. The pitas are 4g each and with a quorn hot dog and some salad that goes to more like 8 so I'll start with things like that.

I also have some low carb oatmeal and rice pudding in my meal replacement packs I'll have now and again for the same amount of carbs. Just adding one 7 - 10g meal a day will put me up to 20 I think.

Will go back to keeping a food diary again soon, right now I'm still gradually moving back from the packs.

Did you use any particular books on GL/GI? I always find it so complex.
I use the Nigel Denby 'Diet Freedom' books - i think the most recent is GL diet made easy.

I preferred the GL over GI as it seemed easier and focused on portions which makes some of the High GI foods acceptable. I have very fond memories of my beany bolognese, 10 minute curry and spicy muffins :)
I think a GL type thing is the way to go on Atkins maintenance. Quite a long way off for me but thank you for the book rec - I'll look out for it xx

Oof I think I'm coming down with a cold. Just let it hold off long enough for me to get through my presentation on weds, pleaaaase.
Morning Rose :0
Sunny and bright, another day in the garden methinks Rose :)
Just fell over and really banged my knee and head as I was walking down to the train station. Scuffed up my nice shoes, too. Now sitting on train dizzy and determinedly not checking whether my knee is bleeding through my jeans. Would be the day of my journalism presentation. Feel like a right wazzock though less so now than a few minutes ago when I was sitting on the steps of the railway bridge, getting in everyones way while I tried to shake the dizziness and stand up.

So how is YOUR morning going.

Oh no - hope you can shake the dizzinesss and havent bruised yourself too badly! Good luck with your presentation today :)
Ouch, not nice Rose, I hope your feeling better by now love
I've hurt one knee, twisted the opposite ankle and shunted my back a little, but apart from the ouchies and walking like Quasimodo I'm fine!

Chose my modules for next year. Not a huge choice tbh and there is one option each year I have to take to fill my quota but don't really want to do. Ah well. It's not the best uni for creative writing, I feel, but at least if I can come out with a first maybe I'll feel it's been worthwhile. And we break for summer ridiculously soon.
Well my order from the LCM came today - low carb pittas (4g per pitta), and 2 loaves low carb bread (1.8g per slice) straight into the freezer to hopefully last me a good while and help me keep my carbs reasonably low but not -too- low. We'll see how that goes. Also pork crunch for 0 carb snacky moments.

It's going to be a slightly different way of doing the diet from the 0 'fake' products style I was doing before. I don't think the breads and the dreamfields pasta are really 'frankenfoods' in the way that low carb sweets and bars are though. The ingredients look a lot less scary. Still trying to get my head around exactly what I'll be doing. Will start with food diaries & daily counts again once I am totally off any food packs - right now I'm having one meal replacement a day, low carbing the rest, and it's keeping me right in the mid range of pinks on the stix. I'll come off them on Monday but will have enough spares for the odd occasion I might need one.

Absolutely black and blue from my fall this morning. Fell down a slope so have managed to pull, bruise and scrape practically all of me. What a clutz. Realized I actually made a hole in my nice brogues, too. ): I own so few shoes as it is - can't afford replacements just yet.

Tea today was two slices of low carb bread with butter, marmite and cucumber. Amazingly nice. (now eating a babybel spread with marmite nomnomnomnom).
But I'm injured ):

It was okay - just glad to have it over tbh as it's been endless hard work trying to force anyone else in my group to actually do anything. Students, tch.
Quiet on here this morning. It's not a weekend, is it?

Well my unofficial end of march WI puts me back where I was a week and a half ago. If I managed to lose 1lb by Sunday that would only be one weeks loss completely wasted.
Morning, I'm late because I've been playing with Olivia :)