scared to start the ss plan


New Member
i really want to lose weight not only for my health but for myself.

i feel im in a total funk and feel really dependant on food i dont know if anyone else has felt like this???.

feeling sad i wanna eat then i hate the fact ive put on so much weight i eat some more because im sad. its a vicious circle.

i know i need to start looking at food differently and not rely on it as a crutch and in doing that it will help me with losing weight

im scared i wont have the willpower.

would like to hear from other people if they have ever felt this way.

anyways thanks for listening lol x
Well, you'll never know if you have the willpower until you take the first step!

Break this into small chunks. So... view day one as just that - one day. Don't think in terms of weeks, merely concentrate on completing the first day. Reward yourself at the end of it with a good book, a magazine, a lovely bath...