
likes to kick fats ass
lads im so freaked out about gaining back all the weight when i go back to eating healthy normal food, im totally freaked!!:cry::cry::cry::cry:! im just having one of those days, like will my metabolism be ok and repair itself after eating so little its just that i was looking at a few other sites and it really scared me please help really need it:cry:
keeping the weight off is possible.You have to change your eating habits use your time on your chosen diet to look at healthy options ,ive looked into ways of making my meals lower cals not less flavour so im hoping to keep the bulk off also i think for a while i will calorie count just to see what I can and cant have xxxx
It is definitely doable. My plan is to do the refeed slowly prob over two weeks & then use WW point system for a while. In my head I will be 'giving my body a chance to adjust to its new size'. If you're worried about metabolism you could check for foods that help with it.

My favourite food fact is that brussel sprouts have neg calories so by eating them you actually lose 2 calories!! I still only eat them at Xmas tho.
thanks a mill lads!!! ya i guess ill just ease myself into eating proper healthy low fat food and i wont gain back no? how much do nyou ususally gain tho on the refeed and will that come off??xxx best of luck on weigh in!!!
look, if you can stop eating - stop chewing for crying out loud - you can do anything! Its not bloody easy acting against the body's natural impulses you know..its why we have teeth people!!! LOL - You'l be fine and well done on the loss so far. :)
Eh??? Whats that about the sprouts?!
Mmm, I love sprouts. Will have to have them more often when I can eat again (although they aren't nice when they are out of season),

I'm missing cooking at teh moment - next week I might start cooking again for Neil because I am feeling a bit stronger now! He'll just have to taste sauces etc while I cook (and since it will be him eating them anyway!). I have always enjoyed reading cookbooks, menus, watching cookery programmes and luckily not being able to eat hasn't bothered me too much - I'm still cutting recipes out of magazines. I've told Neil he will be my guinea pig for healthy food though. By the time I can eat again I hope to be a dab hand at some nice low fat, low carb meals and Neil can cope with all the mistakes in the meantime! ;)
If you are worried about your metabolism, you need to get to the gym. Excersise increases your metabolic rate, which means that even at rest you are burning more calories...easier said than done thou!!!