September challenge - short and sweet (not the edible kind)

Well done everyone - some amazing losses!

I'm going to have to step out of this month's challenge - I am still 4lbs away with a guaranteed gain this week so no hope of getting anywhere close. Always next month ;)
1lb off for me last night :)
Half off for me please Daz. If I get my finger out might jst scrape by in this months challenge :)
2.5lbs off for me this week! So if its ok with everypne I would like to use the full month to try to hit my challenge target! And do a WI @ home on Monday? I haven't done that before but really need focus to get this weight shifted!
3 off for me this week and my first stone award...yahooo :)
Texty, is there an October challenge already setting up? i can't see one anywhere, would be handy to get a head start listing people on my spreadsheet if there is. Thanks.
Half off for me please Daz. If I get my finger out might jst scrape by in this months challenge :)

Deary me, just realised I have no other WI's in September, what a muppet!! Ah well another challenge failed!!!
Yip its me having a cheat weigh on Monday! Doing red days - they SUCK! But better bloody work!
TBH I Thot about it but I go 2 class so WI tues. Will kp an eye out 4 october challenge!!

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