Should I still go for weigh in??

Hi guys,

I haven`t been well the last couple of weeks with really bad flu (still ill :( ) so I haven`t been eating much and therefore not taking all my pills.

I should be having my monthly weigh in this week but am unsure whether to go or not?

Do you think it`s important to still go even tho I still have pills left over?

I didn`t eat Fri eve til yesterday eve then had 1 small pork chop, couple of small baby taters and 2 corn on the cob for tea last night then this morning I had alpen and a hazelnut yog for brekkie so I am dreading having gained loads all of a sudden from not eating then having those :(

So what would u do? I need to ring and make the appt if i`m going to go.


LiSe Xxx
I reckon you should still go. You may have a good loss through not eating so well.

Good luck and let us know.
Thanks for replies xXxx

I phoned to book it for Fri and my Dr is off for 3 weeks due to having an op and the only appt they had left this week was with the male Dr who is very dismissive unless you`re nearly dying :rolleyes:

I didn`t wanna come out and say I didn`t want to see him lol So I just said I could wait until I run out of pills as I still have loads due to not eating with the flu and I think she guessed I was avoiding him so offered me one for next week with another Dr who is female ;)

I nipped to Boots instead before they shut and I have lost another .3kg (nearly 1lb) since I had weighed 4 days before and came on last night which means I am heavier cos of bloating so am hoping for a decent weigh in the end of next week :D - My next goal is to get into the 13st mark!

Anyway, Enough of my wiffle waffle LOL

LiSe Xxxxxx
well done lise that is great. i know what you mean about the dr i saw one like that a few weeks ago as my normal one was on hols. lookforward to update next week:D
Thanks hun x

I remember seeing him once for an antenatal appt and my dad had just died so when I walked in I just burst into tears :( His reponse was "well whats wrong with you?!?" My DH was with me and wasn`t impressed by his unsympathetic attitude and put him straight LOL

I know he didn`t know about my dad, But being pg and in floods of tears obviously distressed, He could have been more caring and actually wanting to know why I was upset!

/rant over (i`m such a whinging cow, Sorry! lol)

LiSe Xxx
oooooh i think some doctors are pulled aside in medical school you know!! I reallly effs me off how some doctors are soooo unhelpfull!
I mean its their proffession to be kind and want to help people!!!


Well done on the weight loss!! woooooooooop