Sick of starting again 😢


Gold Member

I’ve been on and off minimins for 13 years. I’ve reached goal twice and been up and down countless times.

I was doing quite well until November, I had an enormous amount of stress in a short space of time and it totally sent me off the rails, I was eating whatever I wanted, drinking too much and the weight piled on so fast. In 2 months I’ve gained almost 3 stone 😢😢

seeing the number on the scales yesterday was so disappointing, I knew I’d gained but not that much. Today I’ve done really well. Planning day by day. I don’t really want to follow a diet plan as such, I’ll follow some of the principles of sw as I lost 6 stone in less than a year eating that way, overall I just want to be healthy again, not hate how I look or struggle to decide on what to wear because I don’t like how my body looks in most clothes.

Im going to try and not weigh myself too much as I easily become obsessive with the scales.

Goodnight x x
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All the best with it. I have started again using SW principles and due my first weigh in tomorrow. After giving up Christmas 2020 I have now found myself heavier than I’ve ever been, so cross with myself for being so stupid again.
very impressed with the pace of the weight loss you had with SW.
Hi @Jenny_b and welcome back!

Hopefully fast on fast off will work for you, I know what it’s like to gain a massive amount very quickly and it’s hell on earth. I am so embarrassed meeting people I know who’ve only seem me a few months earlier and are obviously shocked by the difference. It’s awful.

Anyway well done on coming back, build up those good habits again to rely on the next time you fall off and I look forward to seeing how you are getting on.
Hi @Jenny_b
You have done it before so you know what to do.
I find it hard in the colder months to stay on track. Spring is just around the corner so you have time to get back on it and come Summer you will feel amazing.
I know what you mean about how you look in clothes. I have been in jogging bottoms for a couple of years and when I went to put on a pair of trousers I had to breath in.
I will be here cheering you on again.:)
@Jenny_b you did one of the most stressful things in your life that is move home. There is so much involved in doing a move to a new home that our health often takes a back seat. I sure that you are now eating much more healthier that the weight will drop off. It is so easy to become obsessed with the scales I know I can be.
All the best with it. I have started again using SW principles and due my first weigh in tomorrow. After giving up Christmas 2020 I have now found myself heavier than I’ve ever been, so cross with myself for being so stupid again.
very impressed with the pace of the weight loss you had with SW.

thank you. Yeah sw is a really good way to lose weight. Best of luck x x
Hi @Jenny_b
You have done it before so you know what to do.
I find it hard in the colder months to stay on track. Spring is just around the corner so you have time to get back on it and come Summer you will feel amazing.
I know what you mean about how you look in clothes. I have been in jogging bottoms for a couple of years and when I went to put on a pair of trousers I had to breath in.
I will be here cheering you on again.:)
Thank you. I feel confident and motivated 😀
It’s horrible when you try clothes on and they’re too tight. x x
@Jenny_b you did one of the most stressful things in your life that is move home. There is so much involved in doing a move to a new home that our health often takes a back seat. I sure that you are now eating much more healthier that the weight will drop off. It is so easy to become obsessed with the scales I know I can be.
Thank you. I’m trying to stay off scales as much as possible, hate when I feel the need to weigh everyday. Hope you’re doing well x x
Hi, so I promise to try my best to update daily from now on.

I’ve been better this week but not where I want to be. I’ve decided to go back to my old Sw group with one of my friends, she’s just had a baby and gets married next year so wants to look her best for that. It will be great going with her as will hopefully keep me on track.

A problem I have is I like to go out usually twice a week, eating and drinking. I’m going to have to be strict and change the sort of food I order and no more baileys lol.

found a picture the other day from when I was around 12 stone, just slightly over goal weight. Said to my husband that I’d give anything to be back at that weight, but actually I can get there, it’s realistic as I did it before.

tomorrow I’m going shopping and will get everything I need for the week, bought a new cute notepad to meal plan, exercise plan etc.

have a good day all x x


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Good luck at group, I am sure the old group will be a big help to you on your weight loss journey. Never harms to have extra help and support.
Still forgetting to update daily, I’ve been so busy. Most of the days I’ve been pretty good with food and exercise, Friday I wasn’t quite as good with food and last night had a night out. I’d usually drink baileys, wkd, basically really calorific alcohol, last night I stuck to Malibu and Diet Coke. I also resisted the yummiest Balti ever and opted for steak.
hoping for a good loss this week. I’ll try harder to stick to plan 7 days next week x x
Hey @Jenny_b ❤️

Don’t beat yourself up, we’ve all done it, I’ve lost count how many times I’ve lost the plot and put weight back on 🙈 I think we can easily get stuck in that vicious circle of feeling stressed > comfort eating > feeling sad/rubbish about ourselves > comfort eating 🙈 > feelings of guilt/shame > comfort eating 🙈

I hope you and your family have settled into your new home ❤️

Amazing loss on your first week too, well done ☺️
Hey @Jenny_b ❤️

Don’t beat yourself up, we’ve all done it, I’ve lost count how many times I’ve lost the plot and put weight back on 🙈 I think we can easily get stuck in that vicious circle of feeling stressed > comfort eating > feeling sad/rubbish about ourselves > comfort eating 🙈 > feelings of guilt/shame > comfort eating 🙈

I hope you and your family have settled into your new home ❤️

Amazing loss on your first week too, well done ☺️

Mira so frustrating, I really hope I can sort out my emotional eating and not gain weight again 🤞

thank you, I was so pleased to lose more then I’d hoped for 😀

have a good day x x