sliiming world v weight watchers

where as WW just seems to concentrate on portion sizes

It doesnt! WW is promoting SW style meals. Cooked from scratch and designed to fill you up. They highlight filling foods and encourage a certain amount each day - highlighting the fact that you can have a very generous portion of pasta for instance for the same points value as a processed meal.
I have done both SW and WW and even the cambridge diet (never again) in my experience the one that is working for me is SW, but I have a cousin who has lost 3 stone on WW I suppose its horses for courses.

My friend who has done both prefers WW because she doesn't like the idea of free food and likes the idea of restricted portion sizes as she feels it keeps her in control.

This is the first time I feel that my eating plan can be more readily adapted to suit my family and they are loving eating all the new recipes I have come accross on here.

For me its the way to go, as long as I am happy with my choice thats all that matters. :D
Sorry Starlight but WW is all about it's frozen meals! Otherwise why would it have them? Who needs to count points for the rest of their life? I don't get why you are on the SW site?
It doesnt! WW is promoting SW style meals. Cooked from scratch and designed to fill you up. They highlight filling foods and encourage a certain amount each day - highlighting the fact that you can have a very generous portion of pasta for instance for the same points value as a processed meal.
Hows it going for you now starlight? Are you managing to shift those pounds you were struggling with on SW. good luck x
Sorry Starlight but WW is all about it's frozen meals! Otherwise why would it have them? Who needs to count points for the rest of their life? I don't get why you are on the SW site?

What absolute rubbish!!!! Clearly you know nothing about WW. WW do convenience food as an option IF you want it but their programme absolutely encourages healthy eating and totally discourages using nothing but convenience food. I NEVER eat WW frozen meals - ever. Actually I posted a thread on WW recently and the overwhelming majority of people doing WW didnt use WW meals but cooked totally from scrach. AND maintenance on WW is NOT about counting points forever.

For your information Im on a SW site because Im Moderator here on Minimins for the Slimming Clubs section among other things and even if I wasnt, you dont have to be following a diet to post your opinion. This thread is about SW and WW and having done both Im more than qualified to post my opinion. How rude to imply that because Im not on SW I shouldnt be here

At least I have an understanding of SW, clearly not something you have about WW
I started with WW and lost 3 stones. I enjoyed doing the diet but as I need the discipline of a class and didn't particularly like the leader and she took all the local classes I went to a couple of SW classes just to test the water.

I loved the class and the leader is wonderful. So have continued to go there.

That is the only reason I changed from WW to SW.

If WW was just about ready meals why would they bring out so many cookery books.

It is a matter of choice and not that one is better than the other.

Irene xx
Hi, I'm on SW and have done WW, LL and CD in the past.

I don't think either WW or SW is better - it just depends on your life and your eating habits.

WW worked really well for me when I wanted food quickly and the choice between cooking from scratch or grabbing a shop sandwich. It is easier when you have to eat outside of your own home - whether its round at a friend's/family or at a restaraunt.

I'm finding SW has taken some getting into and requires a fair amount of planning and time to cook properly but at the moment, this is helpful for me. I eat 3 meals and snacks each day which has kept me wanting quite so much chocolate. I still use my syns for chocolate or alochol but at least know I'm getting the vitamins and nutrients in my meals. I like the Health Extra A option becase it means I can have cheese every day - on WW I tended to spend my points on chocolate rather than cheese.

if I get bored with SW or if I end up going away or needing to eat out a lot I'll swtich back to WW.
It's definitely dependant on which suits your lifestyle best, you've posted this in SW so you're going to pretty much be told that SW is better post in WW and you'll get told it's best.

Contrary to popular belief WW is not all about convenience food and snacking. It's about making the right choices and healthy eating. Nor is it just a diet it's also about lifestyle changes and no you won't be counting points forever. Personally Ive never seen the problem with counting points I really don't give it a second thought now. I love the freedom I get on WW compared to SW but both are brilliant diets and work well it just depends what suits you best.

And follow it properly and you'll never be hungry ;-)
Haven't been about for a while, are you back on WW now then?
I am. Sw just wasn't working for me. First weigh in last week - lost 8lbs :)
Really well done! Think some people need tye security of having a limit as to what they can eat (portion control) to succeed & to others this would be their worst nightmare & it depends on the individual which one suits best.

I have a friend who has recently got to target with ww & it suits her very well, but being SW though & through when I gave it a go I was off the wagon after a few weeks,

Anyway Starlight roll on next yr's X-Factor!!

I am new here. I just been reading through these posts. Interesting!

I just thought I write a quick post.

Yes, I've tried so many diet plans over the years, including Weight Watchers.

I've come to the conclusion that most of them whether, weighing, counting points etc are all about 'portion control'. I know it's a bit drastic but the one of the best things to do, is to throw out all your large plates and replace them with small ones! Yes I've done it!!
I have lost a lot of weight with Weight Watchers in the past but this time I wanted to give Slimming World a go as a friend of mine had just become a SW consultant so was very excited to be going to her class! I am now a complete convert! I am enjoying my food soooo much on the Extra Easy plan (with the odd green or red day thrown in when it suits!) that I really know I can eat like this for life! It's really encouraging me to eat lots of fruit and veg and to explore other things like lentils and pulses that I didn't used to eat a lot of! I'm cooking a whole lot more and my hubbie is happy about that too! Everyone's a winner!! I realise that I can have the occasional indulgent day as long as I can afford the syns and get back on track the next day! For me, it affords me more freedom that Weight Watchers did, however I really think that it's a totally personal thing and that both plans promote healthy eating and are a very sensible and effective way of losing weight! It is ALWAYS up to the individual to take responsibility for how they use either plan to their full advantage in helping them lose weight!
Hi, I'm on SW and have done WW, LL and CD in the past.

I don't think either WW or SW is better - it just depends on your life and your eating habits.

Excellent points especially the 'it depends on your life'...right now I have to simplfy.Cooking daily would drive me bonkers, having to count calories at each meal, having to look at something new and interesting latest product, no thanks.I can be a diva in the kitchen but for the moment what I need is time out .Too many choices = confusion for me.

I have never done weight watchers but spent many years calorie counting and it made me miserable. I know they are different but I wanted more freedom in amounts I ate and slimming world gives me that. I was obsessed with how many cals were in each portion and if I am honest, started cutting down my intake more and more each time. I know this isn't the same for anyone else but I had to break out of that cycle and slimming world has done that for me. I am certainly eating much better now than I have for years. It all depends on what works for you and people have lost lots of weight on both.
Wow 8lb! I can't believe my question opened up such a debate! I guess it was niave of me not to expect it though! It's quite impressive how strongly people believe in the diet they're doing and how brilliant it is :0) I wonder how much of this is through results and how much of it is through positive reinforcement and the respective slimming clubs blowing there own trumpets? A bit of both I guess.. but if it works and it makes everyone feel positive and happy it can only be a good thing..
I was a WW'er for years on & off - and I started last year with WW, but I found this forum and decided to give SW a go last May, and I have to admit that I have never looked back and am a confirmed SW'er now.

I love the SW diet.
I can't help but think if you can put up with the weighing weight watchers would be amazing when you want lots of choc! (as long as you didn't eat anything else all day lol)

Well that pretty much sums up the attitude that some people have when it comes to WW. I can eat crap all day as long as it's within my points. These would be the same people that moan after their weight in cuz they hadn't lost any weight.

I've been on both, I find that WW fits in with my social life-ie going to watch the footie, having a few pints and a pizza or whatever. I just literally wouldn't be able to eat anything else as I nwas only on 18 points a day. For me, this was no way to live. I HATE being hungry all the time, it was turning me into a horrible person cuz I was tired and snappy all the time.

SW is teaching me to make far healthier food choices. And if that means that I have to sacrifice a few choccie bars a day then so be it.
It's down to individual choice. If WW worls for you then stick with it, if you think SW will work then give it a go. Only you can make this decision
I sometimes think it would do us all good to try one week on sw, one week on ww, one week on sw, one week on ww ! Best of both worlds ? Learning healthy eating using the best of two great plans :)