So far today........


She's me in a few months
I have:

Got out of bed.
Taken no,1 son to school.
Given no.2 son breakfast.
Sorted out a washing for the tumble dryer
Unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher.
Made a scrummy bolognese dinner for the men of the house tonight.
Cleaned my kitchen sink.
Washed some dishes not suitable for the dishwasher.
Bathed baby boy in the sink as he had an explosive nappy that wipes couldn't cope with.
Got him dressed.
Swept my floors.
Just having my first tetra of the day.

Ketosis much? eh? :D
LOOOL come to my house while ur at it please :) lol I'm about to try go for a walk today =\ kina nervous going on my own incase I see someone I know all puffed out and breathless! Your doing really well ;) x x
Ketosis has defintely arrived. The wee one is in the pram, we're going for a walk too. You'll be fine and it'll get those endorphins flowing! xx
Great news SC!!

Same here - yesterday was a bit lethargic, today I've:
- taken eldest to school & middle one to nursery
- been to the garage with wife's car
- driven to Glasgow and taken 3 work calls en route
- on a call at work currently (obviously a rivetting call!!)
- already had 1.2litres of water & 0.5litres of black coffee

Blimey chick you've been more productive this morning then i've been all week :D enjoy your walk with the little one xx

I have -

Got up
Got kids breakfast

The end :p
I never got the 'upper' effect of CD, sadly.

Today I have: Got up, washed, dressed and out of the house.
Wasted time on minimins
Marked six (count em) books.
Done some photocopying.
Taken my tutor period.
Had a bar.
Wasted more time on minimins.
My day so far didn't get no sleep last night got up for work at 6am
Started work at 6.30
Drove my 49 seater bus around the Gower for 3.5 hours
Home watched jezza and recorded tv
Just had my first shake
Back to work in an hour then who knows lol

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My folks get back from Tenerife tonight, so I popped passed their house just now to leave some groceries and make them some sandwiches for getting home.

I did this prior to having my soup for lunch.

I so wanted to eat what I'd made - made do with sniffing it(!) and putting it in the fridge!!!
Get this - I made my DS toad in the hole tonight (my fav). I licked his leftovers so I had the flavour of the batter on my tongue, but none made it in my stomach!!! LOL x