So how does sw actually work?

So if your calorific intake is lets say 1500-1700 per day its not hard at all to have a 10500 calorie defecit for your average person

But when I follow the plan to the letter im eating around 2000 calories a day (tracked in my food diary on my fitness pal). It would be interesting to know how many calories other people are eating while still losing weight - or not!
Well firstly without knowing if you are a man or woman, what your weight is and also what your activity levels are like during the day its impossible to predict what your results would be like.

As i said before 2000 calories is a females resting metabolic rate.

So any activity you do will earn you extra calories toward your deficit, and if you are on the large side your resting rate will be higher anyway as the 2000 is based on someone of a healthy weight.

For example i calculated my resting metabolic rate when i started this diet and i was burning over 4000 calories just breathing

But when I follow the plan to the letter im eating around 2000 calories a day (tracked in my food diary on my fitness pal). It would be interesting to know how many calories other people are eating while still losing weight - or not!
Well I'm a female and my bmi is 30, so from the online calculators my basal metabolic rate is 1900. I'm generally not active but I track all my walking and gym work on my fitness pal to get my net calorie intake. I just don't see how I could get a 3500 calorie deficit each week to lose a p
You dont seem to understand its not just walking and gym work that burns calories

EVERYTHING you do burns calories so everything you do each day is creating a defecit.

Sorry - to lose a pound a week with the amount I'm eating
I'd love to knOw how to calculate it more accurately then - the tools I've found seem to talk about being sedentary versus lightly active which is defined as being on your feet a good part of the day. I would guess I'm somewhere between the two. I gave the wrong figure for my bmr, it's actually 1600
I don't think it can be calculated tbh. You can't guarantee a specific weight loss on any plan. Even people following a VLCD couldn't actually predict a particular loss, and they would know exactly how many calories they are consuming.
You dont seem to understand its not just walking and gym work that burns calories

EVERYTHING you do burns calories so everything you do each day is creating a defecit.

Sometimes it's hard to get your head around. As you say, if your body burns 2200 calories in a day from just living and doing normal stuff, imagine how much exercise you have to do on top to match that. An hour of good hard cardio like running or Zumba would burn 800 calories if you really pushed it, and you have to re-eat some of those calories otherwise your body can start responding in ways you dont want.
But when I follow the plan to the letter im eating around 2000 calories a day (tracked in my food diary on my fitness pal). It would be interesting to know how many calories other people are eating while still losing weight - or not!

Really, you are eating 2000 calories a day? I rarely hit that, and never hungry and i have very little concept of portion control. My calorie intake seems to be somewhere between 1100 and 1800 with 1400 the most common. Mine is definitely on the bottom end of what i should be eating, but i seem to do ok and have had no negative impact yet.
Really, you are eating 2000 calories a day? I rarely hit that, and never hungry and i have very little concept of portion control. My calorie intake seems to be somewhere between 1100 and 1800 with 1400 the most common. Mine is definitely on the bottom end of what i should be eating, but i seem to do ok and have had no negative impact yet.

Yes easily - if I just follow the plan, eat as much fruit as I want (and a couple of yoghurts a day) and don't 'try' to restrict my food. I think I'm just a glutton! Had a massive fail yesterday and managed to consume 5000 calories (mind you I was eventually stuffed). I've still lost weight, albeit slowly, in the 3 weeks I've been on sw. I just dont know why!
Sadowska said:
Yes easily - if I just follow the plan, eat as much fruit as I want (and a couple of yoghurts a day) and don't 'try' to restrict my food. I think I'm just a glutton! Had a massive fail yesterday and managed to consume 5000 calories (mind you I was eventually stuffed). I've still lost weight, albeit slowly, in the 3 weeks I've been on sw. I just dont know why!

If you are losing weight, eating what you enjoy, not going hungry and not stuffing yourself for the sake of it, then I wouldn't worry.
Was all SW friendly but remember thinking it seemed a lot. From memory, didn't you have omelette and porridge for breakfast? Then soup and a salad for lunch (still from memory, and obviously depends on portion sizes).

My wife started inputting into MFP and our daily intake was probably averaging somewhere around 1700. Both still considerably heavier than you are, but losing. :)

Maybe its just finding that fine line between eating enough and eating until you're really full? Or just mix things up a bit. If you graze try eating a strict 3 meals a day, or vice versa.
My main problem is I fancy food even if I'm full, plus being on a diet makes me think about food all the time...
No disrespect but we ll feel like eating, thats how we got fat in the first place but if you want to lose weight you fight your urges to pig out and eat sensibly as its only a matter of time till you stop losing weight doing it the way you are and you will have learned nothing in the process

My main problem is I fancy food even if I'm full, plus being on a diet makes me think about food all the time...
Paul_Farnham_uk said:
No disrespect but we ll feel like eating, thats how we got fat in the first place but if you want to lose weight you fight your urges to pig out and eat sensibly as its only a matter of time till you stop losing weight doing it the way you are and you will have learned nothing in the process

I agree. That's why I ended up putting the nine stone I lost five years ago back on, with some more besides. You can lose weight by sticking to plan but I don't think that's enough. We have to change our minds as well as our bodies.
Definately, your head has to be in the right place. I have been at target for sometime now, but I realise I can never go back to eating the way I did before. However, when shopping I just automatically go to the low fat, low sugar, fruit and veg and low syn foods, avoiding the cakes, bikkies,pizzas and ready meals. Just a way of life now and quite happy with that. :)
I think this is why image therapy is so good for me... I'm dealing with my emotional eating and not mindlessly eating like I used to.

I'm also finding myself making wiser choices but not feeling deprived, for example every Friday my hubby goes to my MIL for dinner and there is ALWAYS cake/doughnut/cheesecake and I have never been able to resist before.

Since starting SW I have asked to look at the packet to check the syns before saying yes. Often the packet is right at the bottom of the bin ( I think my MIL is in denial about how bad her pudding habit is!) and then I happily tuck into a yoghurt that I can syn without any guilt at all... It's odd I don't miss the cake, I don't feel hard done to, I feel happy and proud I'm choosing to be slim over cake!

I think I'm going to need to keep going to image therapy to keep my mind on track.