start of my week and just blown 20points!

When I have something that is super high in points I try and make a list of what im going to have for the next day and then try and stick to it - it tends to keep me on tract for that day coz it is so easy to get carried away otherwise. I write everything down as I have it also so I don't forget! Well done on your 3.5lb lose.
thanks :)
im going to plan the next few days and try to stick with it. my routine is up in the air for a couple of days, travelling about. im always more tempted to snack and eat junk when im travelling.
need to develop my will power! lol

I know it's really hard to stick to it when your out and about as high fat high cal things are sooo easy to just buy but try your best to take things with you, fruit, bottle of water and your lunch so that if you do want to snack after you luc=nch just grab a banana and remember how great it feels when you see those scales going down.
Its easily done!! Every week before the weigh in i always weigh myself on my wii at home so i can estimate how much I have lost! Well today I did it and it looked like i have put on half a pound which I was so upset about and then guess what I did at lunch?? yep I had fish and chips... I cant believe ive just used 27pp on my lunch alone and ive got my weigh in tonight too!!! Not good but I think I have to stop feeling bad if I dont loose any weight... but im also now thinking that I need to try harder!! I think your right to plan out your next few days and this is what I need to do too! Good luck with your next week weigh in too :)
Could any of you help me?
I can't get hold of my leader but I think shes propointed me wrong!
What she says and what the esource says are 2 different things!
Im 5 foot 10, 13 stone and 20 yrs old!

Sorry to bother you

[dont despair about eating 20/49 just take care for the rest of the week! :)]


Beauty of WW is that you can have a day where you used up loads of point but then reduce for the rest of the week. Good luck everyone.